𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 9 • 𝗚𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗺𝘀

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Isabela's Point of view.

I've been waiting for Abuela to order something for me but she hasn't shown up yet so I decided to just help my mother bake something.

When i arrived at the kitchen i saw Penelope.

A blush spread across my cheeks once she look at me.

I greeted her a 'good morning' before i walked away from her.

"I forgot that she is helping my mom"I whispered to myself as I walked closer to my mother.

That 'inexplicable feelings' get back again.

Honestly I used to be rude to her but now I couldn't understand myself why I suddenly fell in love with her.

I rejected her because it is disgusting to have a relationship with the same gender as mine but why the hell i fell in love with her.

I'm a confident woman but I don't know why I always feel shy and weak when she's in front of me.

"You looks so happy huh, is it because of her or him" My mother said causing me to turn my attention to her.

I look at her confusedly. °^°

A few seconds later it was there that I realized what she was talking about.

I shook my head as a response causing her to giggle.

She cup my face using her hand and kissed my cheeks.

"Mother knows best, Isa. Now tell me who's the reason behind your smile"

"I don't like someone, I'm just happy because I'm finally free "I lied to her.

She smiled at me widely.

"Okay" She said and giggled.


"Querida, can you stat here first. I just needed to grab some ingredients on my room" My mother spoke to me and I just nodded in response.

She thanked me first before she left me.

2nd Person Point of View.

When you finish making Pan Basico you immediately put it in the oven so that it can be cooked.

While you are waiting, you decide to put in the sink the utensils you used for baking.

But when you get close to the sink, you suddenly trip and the leftover flour pours on Isabela's face.

You widen your eyes in shock.

You immediately grab a napkin to wipe the flour that is on her face.

But when you're about to wipe it, she grab the napkin and wipe it on her face.

You gulp as she open her eyes.

"I'm so sorry, i didn't mean to do that to you" you quickly apologize.

But she didn't respond and look at you without any emotions.

you immediately averted your eyes on her too shy to face Isabela.

You were about to leave but she pulled you and when you turned to her, she sprinkled some flour on your face and then laugh at you.

You wipe the flour that is on your eyes and look at her emotionless.

She stopped laughing when she noticed that you weren't happy

"Oh no, that's a bad idea" you heard her say in her mind.

You just stare at her without emotion but your hand slowly picks up the flour to avenge.

You plaster a smugly smile at her before you sprinkle her some flours.

You immediately ran away from her when you saw that she had already taken some flour to sprinkle on you.

"Get back here Penelope!!" She shouted as she start to chased you.

You quickly ran closer to the table and there you picked up a bowl with flour.

Isabela stopped running when she saw you handling a bowl that full of flour

You smirk at her when her eyes widened in shock.

You start to chase her but as she runs she doesn't realize he passed on the wet floor.

Isabela was about to slipped but before she can even fell, you grab her hand and wrapped your arms around her waist.

Her arms spontaneously wrapped around your nape.

"are you okay?" You asked as you try to catch your breath.

Isabela didn't answer, instead she focus herself on your lips.

She watched how your lips move.

When you notice her staring at your lips, your tongue automatically lick your lips.

A flowers start to appear in Isabela's hair but she didn't knew it.

Her face start to lean towards yours.

But before she can even kiss you, someone spoke.

"Did i interrupt you guys?"

You look at the owner of that voice and there you see Julieta standing at the door.

You quickly but gently help Isabela to stand up and then walked backwards.

"You didn't interrupt us Tia Julieta" You said and smiled at her.

"okay. Isa, your suitor is here to see you" Julieta said.

Isabela bid a goodbye to you and to her mother before she left you with your auntie.

"So you two are in good terms now?" Julieta ask you and you just nodded in response.

"That's good to hear. Now fix yourself" She said you look at her confusedly.

"Remember, you need to accompany Carmen" She reminded you.

You widen your eyes in shock and bid a goodbye to Julieta before you run away.


The sands spontaneously floated and circled in their seat.

"What did you see?" Abuela ask her son.

"I see a woman. She is ... she feels sadness and grief. I also see a huge palace and ... and it's collapsing and... oh god this is not good" Bruno worriedly said when he opened his eyes.

"what did you see?" Abuela asked again.

"I see a woman, she's fighting an old man and it... it looks likes she's loosing and... and OUR HOUSE!! OUR HOUSE COLLAPSED as soon as the woman get st- AHH!!" Bruno groan in pain.

"Bruno!!" Abuela exclaimed when her son fainted.


Reminder: This story is my idea and i don't own any of the character expect Penelope and the other.

This story is only for encanto fans if you're not comfortable please leave silently .

Hope you like this chapter and don't forget to leave a star and comment if you like it or not.

Don't forget to drink water and stay healthy.

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