𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 8 • 𝗕𝘂𝗲𝗻𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗮 𝗦𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀

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Isabela's POV

When I finally gave my gift to her I immediately went back to my room.

I quickly entered my room and pretended to close my door.

Before I could finally close the door of my room I peeked at Penelope and my eyes widened when I saw her opening the gift I gave to her.

When she opened it her face lightened up.

She quickly put on the necklace I gave her and with that i sigh in relief seeing her being happy, smiling widely like a child who finally get the chocolate that they want.

As I watched her I didn't notice that my lips smiled spontaneously.

Once i notice it, i feel some heat rash on my face, I'm sure my face turned red.

You know the feeling that you are angry with someone but you also can't stand being mad at them for inexplicable reason.

For me, i can't stay mad at Penelope for some unexplainable reason.

I mean she always annoys me and she clearly hates me.

Well I can't blame her 'cause after all I'm the one who rejected her in the most hurtful way.

"She's really cute" I said to my mind as I watched her.

But then she looked at where am i.

So i immediately ran away from my door to hide myself.

"Why i always forgot that she can read and hear what other people's thought" I mumbled as i internally face palm.

Even before I could get close to the door, it opens on its own revealing Penelope.

"You should sleep, we have a lot of chores tomorrow and thank you for this. I really love it" She said and plaster a sweet smile at me before she closes the door of my room.

She smiled at me...

"Holy-" Before I could even finish what I was about to say I covered my mouth with my hand.

The way she smiled at me keeps repeating on my mind causing my whole face to blushed, i probably look like a tomato right now.

Her smile makes my heart flutter.

I slumped myself on my bed and i scream onto my pillow, not wanting to break Dolores eardrums.

I like this feeling that I'm feeling right now.

That feels of having butterflies in my stomach as i remember how Penelope smile at me like she didn't hate me.

"How can I sleep if she keeps running through my mind" I complain to myself as I try to forget her and her sweet smile.

"Calm down Isabela" I said to myself and then I closed my eyes.

After a few minutes i finally felt sleepy.

"Good night Penelope" I whisper before i finally fell asleep.


2nd Person POV

You can't understand the feeling you felt when you saw Isabela's gift to you.

You didn't realize you were smiling as you wore the necklace.

"She's really cute" You heard Isabela say in her mind causing you to turn your attention to the door of her room.

You saw how he hid so you just giggled.

As you giggled, you didn't realize that you were walking towards Isabela's room and when you arrived, you took a deep breath and thought about what to say to her.

You slowly opened the door and there you saw Isabela standing.

Her eyes widened in shock and an incomprehensible expression painted on her face.

A pink little flowers appears on her hair without her knowing.

"You should sleep, we have a lot of chores tomorrow and thank you for this. I really love it" You said and plaster a sweet smile at her before you close the door.

Once you closed it you sigh in relief but you don't understand why your heart flutter and you feel like something inside your stomach is tickling you.

"Cute" That's all you said before you went to your own room.


When the sun came up you woke up, took a bath and got dressed.

You look at yourself in the mirror while wearing the rauna that Mirabel gave you, the sandals that your father gave you and the necklace that Isabela gave you.

You immediately spray perfume on your body before you leave your room.

"Good morning Penelope" Camilo greeted you so you greeted back.

Because you are in a good mood, you decided to play a little.

"Casita, slide please!" You command.

The ladder automatically turned into slides and there you slide yourself.

"Good morning Tia Julieta" You greeted her as you see her walking towards the dining room.

"Can you help me bake some arepas later after we have breakfast" She said to you.

You just nodded in response and you quickly grabbed a plate and put the food on.

You happily walk into the dining room and sit down next to your dad.

"Good Morning Papa"

"Good morning"

"Everyone gathered around, Abuela have some announcement" Luisa shouted using her deep voice making everyone fasten their pace.

Abuela Alma walk towards you and tap your shoulder.

"I spoken to the Buenaventura Siblings and they said that Carmen likes to be friends with you and because we are now in good terms to them. Penelope, can you please accompany them until they're all become comfortable here in Encanto" Abuela calmly says to you.

"But hey, you can decline if you don't want" Abuela added.

"I'm happy to do that for you, Abuela" You says as you plaster a sweet smile to her.

"That's good to hear. They'll visit here this afternoon so to make them feel welcome here we will have them to eat with us at dinner." Abuela announced and you all agree and start to eat.

Reminder: This story is my idea and i don't own any of the character expect Penelope and the other.

This story is only for encanto fans if you're not comfortable please leave silently .

Hope you like this chapter and don't forget to leave a star and comment if you like it or not.

Don't forget to drink water and stay healthy.

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