𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 5 • 𝗦𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲

795 32 0

13yrs ago

2nd Person POV

"Be careful out there okay" Your mother said and you just nodded in response.

"Bye Mama" You bid a goodbye to her before you walk away with your father.

As you walk to the madrigals house you pass a bunch of children playing and having fun.

"Papa" you called your father.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Do i have some cousin?" Your sadly asked.
You have always wanted a sibling to be with and play with but your father and mother no longer want to give you a sibling.

Because you are an only child and you have no cousins, your life is not very happy just like the other kid.

You can't play outside like other kids do.

You can't join them either because they don't like you.

"You have a cousin" your father answered.

"Where are they?" You ask causing him to stopped walking.

That also makes you stopped walking and bumped into him.

He immediately put down his bag and knelt in front of you.

"In a so far place named Santhope. A very beautiful, very luxurious and very magical place." Your father said and helped you put these things in the basket.

"There's magic in our old home?" You said in shock.

"Yes but that magic also caused a commotion and it also caused us to live here in Encanto" He replied to you and then took the basket you were carrying.

"What if there were no commotion there. Are we still there until now? "You ask again.

"Probably not. Because I don't want to be there anymore" Your father replied.

"ohh" that's all you said because you don't know what to say to him.


"Wake up Penelope" Mirabel said as she shake your body.

"I'm up" you said with your deep hoarse voice.

"Good, now fix yourself and let's have a breakfast" She said and pulled you up from your bed.

"Give me my rauna" You said and Mirabel immediately threw it in your face.

"oops, sorry" She said and awkwardly smile.

Once you're done, she grabbed your hand and dragged you out of your room.

"Who are those?" You asked once you see some guys outside.

"Isabela's suitors" She said.

"She looks just like a dream"

"You'll be mine soon"

"She's so perfect" Those are just some of the things you've heard from the other suitors thoughts.

"ohh look it's me" You said as you look at Camilo who pretend to be you.

"Camilo!" Felix give his son a warned face causing Camilo to finally stop pretending to be you.

"Good morning Penelope" He greeted.

"good morning" you greeted back.

Mirabel drag you and make you sit beside your Tio Agustin.

"Stay there, I'll grab some foods for you" She said and immediately run away from you.

A few minutes later she returned holding two plates that full of foods.

Pepa was about to sit next to you but Mirabel sat down.

A dark cloud with thunder appeared over Pepa's head.

"Calm down Mi Amor" You hear Felix whisper to Pepa.

You turned your attention to the Mirabel when she served you some food.

She also took a glass full of water and gave it to you.

You look at her confusedly at first but then when you finally realized what she's doing you sigh heavily and roll your eyes.

"What do you want Mirabel?" You asked as you began to eat your food.

"nothing, i just wanted to serve you" She said and plaster a fake smile.

"I'm not buying it. Now tell me, what do you want?' You asked, completely not believing at her reply.

"I... Can we go outside and play" She shyly said.

"That's embarrassing" You giggled once you heard her thoughts.

"Aren't you too old for that" You teased her.

"No I'm not. So please play with me" She said with a pout and a pleading eyes.

"Fine" you said causing her to jump in excitement.

Reminder: This story is my idea and i don't own any of the character expect Penelope and the other.

This story is only for encanto fans if you're not comfortable please leave silently .

Hope you like this chapter and don't forget to leave a star and comment if you like it or not.

Don't forget to drink water and stay healthy.

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