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As a usual day in the palace naya wakes up thinks about nothing except the new visitors are coming to stay with her family from German the king with his wife the queen and there son and daughter his 23 years old son and there 17 years old daughter well let's just say naya didn't give a fuck about anything except if there son is a hot ass man that can fuck her until she can't walk and be so harsh on her but gentle also in some places or some jerk that is a mommy boy and can't even spell two words in one sentence

Naya: Buenos días papá Buenos dias mama "good moring dad good morning mom" (I'm using google translate don't come at me ) ~she said as she came into the dinning room sitting down beside her mom on the table seeing what she have for breakfast for today

Parents: Buenos dias querida " good morning darling " ~ they smiled at her while continue eating

Naya didn't give two fucks to smile back she just nod her head and start eating she adores food I mean who doesn't it's FOOD you guys she had her fav meal waffles with honey

Dad:so naya honey you need to be dressed up today the the royal family of German are coming and ofc you can't welcome them in a crop top and sweat pants and as a princess you should always be dressed up ~ dad started a conversation trying to tell me to get dressed up for some people i don't even know but like I mean he needs to give them a good impression of me but me as naya i don't give a single shit to go down and see them in a hoodie and shorts

Naya:yeah sure but like who gives a fuck to wear some dress when he can be so comfy ~ as naya said that she rolled her eyes for what dad saying and knowing he will start yelling at her for her language and carelessness

Dad:for one thousand time I said stop swearing you can't be like that! ~ he was mad and as always disappointed

Naya doesn't have any problem with dress it's the completely opposite she loves to be dressed up and looking the hottest mf in the whole place but still she doesn't really wanna he dressed up after period she stays so lazy she just finished her period 2 days ago so don't blame her.

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