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Naya decided to be on the top and be the domination so she flipped over Jaden and start bouncing while she rested her hands on Jaden's chest and he was squeezing her hips and making her go hard and fast on him and help her to be faster and harder both of them were breathing so heavily and naya was shaking and they were so closed

Naya:I'm gonna cummm

Jaden:hold it for me bby


Jaden:are you on birth control

Naya:y-yes don't worry


He flipped back over her and he was on the top and started thrusting into her while making out with her and go harder and faster and her moans and screams were all they can hear

Jaden:cum for daddy cum on daddy's dick

That when both of them cummed and jaden collapsed beside her he warped his arm around her and kissed naya

Jaden:you liked it didn't you?

He said while smirking and playing with her hair and when she couldn't even talk Naya nodded her head trying to mange to speak Jaden didn't like it he squeezed her ass

Jaden:I wanna hear you

Naya:y-yes I-I love it

Jaden:good whore

He smirked and kiss her and continued playing with her hair Until she fell asleep on Jaden's chest

Jaden:god if you can know the things you do to me you made me fell hard for you

He kissed her forehead and hugged her tight and fell asleep


Naya woke up and went and took a shower then did her make  up to go eat dinner and she wanted to go to the club and have some fun

Naya:jadennnnnnn woke up lazyass


Naya:wake up right now

Jaden:just 5 minutes and come back I wanna cuddle with you

Naya:no we have to go I'm so hungry and I wanna go out and have some funnnnnn I still need to decide which dress I wanna wearrrrrrr

She went to the closet and found this two pieces outfit and wore it

Naya:so how do I look?

Jaden:stunning princess

Naya:Ik as always

She smirked and winked at him as he chuckled and went and took a shower and change then he went and kissed Naya's cheeks

Jaden:come on let's go

Naya:let's go

They went to the car and ofc there were a lot
Of bodyguards they opened the door for them but Jaden went and opened the door for naya and closed the door and went to fancy restaurant jaden as the hottest gentleman he opened the door for naya and hold the chair for her to set down

Naya:ty handsome

Jaden:ofc princess

Naya:tell me the things I do to you

She smirked at she took a sip from her wine and looked at Jaden who was shocked that she wasn't asleep when he said that

Jaden:you weren't asleep??

Naya:I was falling asleep and while I fall asleep I hear everything you fell hard to me?

Jaden:Idk I just said that but maybe I have feelings for you but no one knows what I feel inside me

Naya:oooooo mysterious man

Jaden:shut up

They both chuckled as they looked through the menu to order

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