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Naya was in her room crying her eyes out as she really wanted Jaden back and she heard them leaving the palace she went downstairs seeing the maids taking there bags to the cars and everyone getting in the cars except Jaden he was going downstairs and when he say naya his jaw clenched naya went to him while tearing

Naya:I'm sorry Ik I fucked up badly you protected me and made me happy and I really fall in love with you but idk why I did that and I really reject it I really do you were always here for me when I was at my lowest and I was the toxic one when I blamed you for cheating and didn't treat you well Cuz I thought you cheated when I did but I swear if I could change that I would cuz I want you and I don't want you to leave me....

Jaden:idgaf a don't give a single fuck you're the one who fucked yo and cheated and hurt me and just fucked up my life since ever I came here I didn't want to be with you but when I tried my best to start accepting you you fucking ruined it and cheated!!! You're fucking insane and now deal with all this shit that you have gotten yourself in bitch I wish I never met you Cuz you're a fucking whore that just thinks of her self and doesn't give a shit about anyone who cares and loves her and fucking liked for her!!

Jaden said angrily as he pushed naya to go get in the car and she just stood there crying and just knowing she will get forced to marry someone she doesn't love or gets fucked up in anyway after what she did

Meanwhile in the car you won't believe it Jaden was shaking his hand in the car with ander and thanking him and handing him the money for what he did that he seduce naya and let her cheat so Jaden doesn't have to marry naya

Let's go back to when naya pretend to get cheated on and let everyone go to Jaden's room and yell at him while she was fuck crying when they hated each other and Jaden said and promised naya that he will get her back and he did Jaden never fell for she's the only one who fell for him and now she look like the bad guy who cheated and fucked everything up :)

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