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He laid naya down as he he laid on her laying his head on Naya's boobs and warping his hands around her waist and kissed her neck and naya warped her hands around his neck

Ryle:what to watch a movie it's sooooo good


He opened the tv and the tv played a video of naya and Jaden when they were having sex in the car and Naya's moans were everywhere Ryle looked at naya as she was so shocked and tearing

Ryle:what do you think about the movie surprise right?


She slapped him and pushed him off her and started hitting him in his arm and stomach But he grabbed her both hands

Ryle:hey hey you better what you did or you know the video is in my hands and I can upload it anytime I told you I'm a photographer but for some spicy things

He smirked as he stroked Naya's hair she was crying looking at the video


Ryle:okay chill and don't shout again

He closed it as he grabbed Naya's hands push her down to the bed

Ryle:listen princess you will listen to me and follow my rules and obey me or yk what will happen

Naya stayed silent as she didn't know what she should do and that she needs to tell Jaden

Ryle:answer bitch

Naya:whatever I fucking hate you I told you about everything I have been through and you did this to me!!

Ryle:Idgaf Listen first you have to know that you are mine bby girl and Jaden needs to be blocked right fucking now!

Naya:what no? You can't control me

Ryle:well fine but everyone will hear your soft moans going everywhere you really got me horny by that


He slapped naya hard which made her lips bleed and more tears fall from her eyes


Ryle:exactly disobey me disrespect me you won't like what will happen to you

Ryle:now block Jaden or yk I will take your phone

He takes Naya's phone and block's jaden from everywhere and put her phone away , he goes back to her seeing naya crying he goes and hug her

Ryle:why are you crying now? It's no big deal if you followed my rules bby

Naya:don't touch me stay away from me I wanna be alone

Ryle:naya you will stay with me tonight

He squeezed Naya's ass and started kissing her neck
Naya started pushing him off her


Ryle:whatever take this chocolate to relax It's your fav take it

Naya looked at it for a sec and took it and ate it

Ryle:good girl

He smirked watching naya eat the chocolate which the chocolate actually had something in it that it's makes naya unconscious make her just not be herself and just feel her body so hot

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