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Jaden:you did me the best favor she was a selfish stubborn bitch and no one does this shit to me I'm Jaden hossler

Jaden smirked as he took a sip of his vodka in the private jet going back to German and btw his parents never knew about what he did and that he planned everything

Ander:ofc man I had to you always does a lot of favors to me so you ofc I had to return the favor and I did it amazing the hot Latina chick was worth it and she was so easy to get

Jaden:she's hot ngl and she got a fine ass but she's a bitch and she needed to learn her lesson no one gets me into a problem and goes out of it easily

Ander:damn man you got a mind of evil

Jaden smirked and laughed as they drank there vodka and continued talking


At the palace everyday naya was getting yelled by her father and he was so disappointed in her and wanted her to get married fast as possible so he can get rid off her and at the same time naya was talking to a boy name ryle online and they FaceTime everyday and he seems so nice and amazing even tho something off feels about him but naya really liked him and thought that he was a good man and was planning to meet him soon in LA and by that she can travel and relax for a bit and meet Ryle and they can know each other more and talk to each other face to face

Naya rn was talking to Ryle and enjoying her time with him and she told him about everything that happened but Ryle never really talked about himself except that he's a photographer and lives in LA in a small apartment and that he really wants to me naya soon as possible

Naya:I'm gonna try my best to book a flight this weekend

Ryle:and i don't have any problem to meet you finally in person and see you and talk to you

Naya:that has to happen but i won't bother you and stay at your apartment I will probably get a hotel room and something

Ryle:you have to stay with me so we can get more time together

Zeena:sure I will see about it but first I wanna know what mr William think he's so pissed off until of what happened and he doesn't really talk to me so idk it's just so complicated

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