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Naya:yk you're so annoying!!! Why tf can't you leave me alone?? You're the mf you left me and made up some shit to leave me now why are you back??

Jaden:cuz why not I do whatever I want and seeing with somebody else makes me mad yes I did hurt you but cuz I don't fall for any girl and I wanted to make sure

Naya:you're such an asshole

Jaden:stfu before I fuck you in the ass and make you beg for me remember bby girl

Naya:I hate you

Jaden:Ik you do

He smirked as he winked at naya and continued driving she got butterflies she had always loved Jaden's wink but she tried to ignore it

Naya:can you just take me back home??

Jaden:why would I?

Naya:Cuz I got here to see Ryle not you!!

Jaden:i don't care

Naya:but I do Jaden!!

Naya:so please take me back there I don't want to spend time with you I want spend time wi-

She got cut off as Jaden slides his under her jeans and started rubbing her

Naya tried her best not to moan and she squeezed Jaden's hand when a moan slides out of her mouth

Naya:what are you doing to me

She moaned and rolled her eyes back in pleasure as Jaden slides a finger in her and start pumping in and out while he was concentrating on the road with a little smirk on his face hearing naya moan so loud as he went fast and added more finger in her she clenched around his finger as she felt a knot in her stomach

Naya:I'm g-gonna c-

Jaden:hold it for me bby girl

He smirked as she tried to hold it as he went deeper in her and parked in an empty park and takes off fingers out

Jaden:go back rn

Naya didn't take 2 secs and went back fast and laid down wanting Jaden so bad to fuck the shit out of her and she wanted to cum so bad

Jaden:what a little slut you are you went too fast

He smirked and chuckled as he saw naya taking off her clothes and he was taking off his boxers he laid down and grabbed naya on him as he checked her out and her thick curvy hot body

Jaden:you're so fucking sexy

He bites his as he starts sucking on her neck making naya moan loudly and roll her eyes back he placed her on his dick as naya started moving her legs making Jaden groan as she went faster placing her hands on Jaden's shoulder and going faster and let his dick goes deeper in her as her moans went louder more and more

Jaden flipped over her and thrusted harder in naya as she moans went louder for everyone to hear and he massaged her boobs thrusting deeply in her Naya's legs started shaking and her breathes were heavy as she was crying begging for Jaden to cum

Jaden:hold it a little

Naya:I can't Anymore!!!

Jaden:cum for daddy bby girl let him see your pretty tasty cum

Naya cummed as Jaden started going slower into her and he slowly collapsed on naya so he doesn't smash her and lay his head on Naya's boobs

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