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They chatted a little bit and maybe got along for a little and they wanted dessert so they called the waiter to order and the waiter didn't give two fucks to concentrate and listen to jaden all he was looking at naya and how beautiful she is and jaden was getting really mad

Waiter:yes ma'am sure anything for you beautiful

Naya:ugh Ty?

She was getting so uncomfortable from his looks and he just was staring at every inch in her when Jaden got so fucking mad and couldn't handle it and grabbed the man by his shirt and throw him to the ground and started beating him


The manager came and started to apologizing to Jaden when the bodyguards held the man while he was bleeding and naya stood there trying to hold Jaden back to continue beating the man and telling she wants to leave

Jaden:we're not leaving you will sit down rn and order what do you want for dessert

Naya:Jaden you just made a whole scene for nothing Ik he was too creepy but not like this you scared everyone !

Jaden:sit down rn or you will get punished

Naya:the fuck? Look Jaden you really need to chill and sit down

Jaden:how could I chill when that motherfucker didn't stop staring at my wife!

Naya felt hella butterflies when Jaden called her that but she wanted more butterflies bc they made her feel so good so she was still doing the plan at the party she knew Jaden will go crazy

Naya:your wife? I thought you never wanted to marry me and thought am I bitch and more

Jaden:naya don't change the damn subject!! You wanted me to wait for him until he fuck you?!!

Naya:you're so jealous aren't you??

Jaden:no I just don't want anyone touch my future wife

Naya:now you want me as you're "future wife"

Jaden:naya shut it I do whatever I want bc it's fucking right

Naya:whatever can we just go to the club I wanna dance and have some fun

Jaden:but don't you think it's a bad idea? I mean there will be a lot of drunk men ofc I will protect you but why don't we  just skip this part?

Naya:find where I give a fuck? We're gonna go and if you don't want to I will go alone idc

Jaden:no way I'm coming with you

Naya:good so let's go and btw the bodyguards are not coming with us

Jaden:we can't go alone

Naya:we can idc I wanna go alone without them

Jaden:we will see

Naya wanted to have a real fun so when she left Madrid she knew she wanted to blast it out and have fun and just enjoy it so fucking much

They got in the car and went to a club Jaden knew before

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