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Naya:I'm really really sorry for what happened from me I'm really sorry for what happened I'm ready to pay whatever you want or anything just please don't call the cops or anything

Ryan:don't worry all good it's fine but you would really help me if you came with me for a bit so You can help me put the cream for the bruises

Naya:ughh umm yeah sure let's go

Ryan:tysm bc it will really help me to put a medicine on it and just to make sure everything is okay if that doesn't bother you?

Naya:oh yeah for sure let's go

Naya went with him to help him Cuz ofc she has to and she was kinda drunk so she did anything and she wanted to pay for the stuff Jaden broke so she went with him and there was a room with a lot of old stuff and she was looking around when the man locked the door

Naya:why did you just lock it huh ?

Ryan:you said you wanna help and I have the perfect way you could help with and it's with your body

Naya:nah man you wish bye

Ryan:you have to

Naya:no? Just open the damn door

She was trying to stay calm and don't show him she's scared but actually she was fucking panicking

Ryan:come on you will have so much fun

He goes slammed her to the wall and started attacking her neck with kissing her and sliding his hand under her skirt and start taking off her panties

Naya:stop it you motherfucker let me go!

She was panicking and tearing and trying to push him off her but she was too weak to do that she was trying her best and try to move her legs and hands but he was too strong and she was crying and couldn't see good

But he wasn't listening to her and ripped off her panties and flip her to the other side and left up her skirt and unzipped his pants and got his dick out and slammed his dick inside her asshole and held her head against the wall while she was crying and screaming for help


Ryan:shut it little slut and moan for me

He was going deeper inside her and harder and he was kissing her neck and leaving hickeys on her while all she wanted rn to Jaden to come and help her and she just couldn't breathe anymore cuz that bastard was choking her and after that she felt him going slower and he got his dick off and cummed on her ass taking a pic of it

Ryan:damn that ass looks so fine with my cum on it

He slapped her ass and wore his pants back and he grabbed naya from her throat and kissed her then pushed her to the ground and left the room

Naya couldn't breathe properly and couldn't see in front of her from the crying and her mascara was all ruined and she was miserable

She was trying to get up and go out but her legs weren't helping she was shaking and just feeling like a worthless piece of shit and just like a slut

After like 10 min she got up and went and took her purse and got her phone out and called Jaden so fast trying to calm down and stop crying but she couldn't she got out the bar waiting for Jaden to respond After few rings he finally respond


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