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Jaden:come with me this place makes the best pancakes waffles crepes with all the sauces and syrups you want and more creative ones

He said as he was showing naya and calling the waiter to order for them

Jaden:which syrup do you want bby?

Naya:your cum

Naya smirked as she watched the waiter's eyes go widen and Jaden's too and Jaden was speechless I mean naya will never stop his dirty kinks

Naya:you guys are shocked? Come on I'm just joking I want honey please

She laughed and she as watched Jaden's face looking at her just wants to like grab her and fuck her on the table in front of everyone

The waiter took there order and left while naya was still laughing and Jaden was just looking at her with eyes full of lust

Naya:what ? Like you don't want that so bad bby

Jaden:you're so hot and weird idk how your mood changes so fast

He chuckled as he stared eating and him and naya started a conversation between them which made naya light her mood up

After they finished they got coffee and left the restaurant and got into the car

Jaden pulled naya closer to him and slide his hand under her shorts and start fingering her making her squeeze his hand so she doesn't moan and try to get Jaden's hand out but she was loving it

Naya:j-jaden p-please

Jaden:nope and we have a glass between them give me some of your sweet moans but i don't want a really loud one

Naya moaned and roll her eyes in pleasure as she wanted more and more and she arched her back from the pleasure

Jaden:tell me how much you need me

Naya just left her thumb up not able to say anything

Jaden:I need words princess

Naya:I-I n-need a-all your f-fing-gers in m-me destroying me daddy please

Jaden:that's my fav little cunt

He smirked as he slide two more fingers making naya whine and moan more and bite her lips and her legs shake a bit

Jaden:you wanna cum mommy?

Naya:the things you're doing to me!!

She moaned loudly and cum all over Jaden's fingers making him lick his fingers and put them in Naya's mouth and let her suck them while they made eye contact

Jaden:I adore when you're a good slut

He smirked as he kissed her and picked her up and put her on his lap and stroke her hair and kiss her forehead as they arrived to the hotel to change and go swim around and have fun

Naya:come onnnnnn I want go out!!!!!



They arrived to the beach as naya ran to the beach like a little kid making Jaden giggle and go after her and pick her up and go more inside and throw her , she got up and laughed as she splashed him

They were playing around when Naya noticed a little kid staring at him she smiled and waved at her the little boy smiled and waved back

The little l boy started whispering to her mother but his voice was kinda loud which made naya hear everything

The little boy:mommy she's so pretty I wanna have a gorgeous gf like her

When he said that naya giggled and she went to the boy and high fives him

Naya:hey what is your name little man

Adrien:Adrien is your name?

Naya:my name is naya

Adrien:awww it's so beautiful like you wanna be my gf? You're so pretty and cute

As he said that naya and Jaden laughed as Jaden hugged naya from behind

Naya:sorry Adrien but I already have a bf

Adrien:that's sucks hey man can you give her to me please she's so pretty

Jaden:sorry man she's mine too bad

Adrien:well take care of her man she's so sweet

Jaden:will do buddy

They High five and he hugged naya and Jaden

Adrien:naya if he ever makes you sad tell me

Naya:will do buddy


He waved to them as he left and naya and Jaden bursted out laughing

Naya:he's so cute

Jaden:but he still can't take you from me

He splashed naya as they continued laughing and playing around

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