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Naya:you know for letting me eat your fries I want to something else

Naya smirked as she started unzip Jaden's pants as Jaden watched her getting his dick out and leaning down and stared sucking on his dick as Jaden throws his head back ,he grabbed on Naya's hair and groaned as naya was a good girl taking ever inch of Jaden every good

Jaden:fuck what a good girl yes suck mu cock like a good little slut you are

Naya smirked as she went deeper with gagging and massaged his balls as Jaden was trying to get to go deeper and gripped harder on her hair

Jaden made naya go harder as he cummed in her mouth naya swallowed her cum as he spit in her mouth and made her it and kiss her

Jaden:for what that you can take whatever you want bby girl

Naya:I take whatever I want handsome

He smirked as he grabbed Naya closer and started making out with her he snakes his arms around her waist and cupped her face as he continued kissing her soft lips

After a while naya pulled away as she was out of breathe and warped her arms around Jaden's neck

Naya:can't you stop kissing me?

Jaden:what should I do I got addicted to it like drugs bby

Naya:okay now take me home I have to be there soon

Jaden:I fucking hate this

Naya:and i don't it's your problem

She said as she jumped on the passengers seat and Jaden stared driving he was so annoyed he didn't want this he didn't want nah to stay with Ryle when naya is his and she belongs to him

Naya all she wanted is to let Jaden die to her her back after what he did to her she wanted him to think about her all the time but still can't get her

Naya and Jaden snapped out of there thoughts when they arrived to Ryle's house

Naya:bye jay

Jaden:bye beautiful take care and just to let you know that I can be in his house and beside you in the bed anytime


He winked at her and jaden leant to kiss naya she swerved and got out of the car jaden was so mad she blowed a kiss for him and waved at him good bye with a smirk on her face

She chuckled watching jaden leave with annoyance on his face as she went and knocked at the house approaching Ryle opening the door for her

Naya:sorry for being late

Ryle:don't worry just come in I wanna spend time with you

Btw naya changed unit Jaden's hoodie so Ryle doesn't see her hickeys

Naya went in as ryle picked her up and took her upstairs to his room

Naya:what are you doingggg

She chuckled as she was confused and warped her arms around Ryle's neck

Ryle:I just want you to spend the night with me in my room

Naya:okay bet I'm down

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