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When he heard her voice crying and not breathing he knew something bad happened his heart started beating fast as he was so scared

Jaden:naya breathe and tell me what happened

Naya:he raped me.....r-ryan.....

She said as she broke down again crying more and more and just so terrified which made Jaden go insane and go fast as possible to the car and drive off so fast driving like a he has extra lives just wanting to arrive to naya so fast

Jaden:naya stay at your place and wait for me I'm on my way just please calm down and don't do anything crazy please

Not after 2 mins he was there and saw naya on the ground looking like a homeless person her makeup all ruined no heels on her hair was a mess and can't stop crying he felt his heart broke that he wasn't there with her and helped her and split that man head of his body he wanted to be with her but she pushed him away naya didn't want Jaden to be with her and let the bodyguards take him by force they were her bodyguards so ofc they will listen to her , he got out the car fast and went and hugged her tight which made her hug him back immediately and broke down into his arm and hug him tight as possible like she really wanted him and felt like he was her safe place

Jaden picked up naya and took her to the car and let her sit down and gave her water he wanted to calm her down but he was hurrying to go and just get that man under her feet crying and kill him in front of her

Jaden:wait for me bby

Naya:don't leave me please

Jaden:bby just wait a little I wanna get that man and kill him already and just not let a piece of him good

Naya:don't leave me I beg you Jaden

Jaden:okay wait a sec

He called the bodyguards and in 10 minutes they were here and Jaden told 3 of them to stay with naya until he got inside the club and his eyes spotted the man fast and the man saw him and he started running which made Jaden and the bodyguards go after him fast and get him and at that moment Jaden start beating him up to death not stopping and he grabbed a knife and chopped his dick  the man screamed so loud but that wasn't enough and everyone was screaming and yelling and just freaking out Jaden told the bodyguards to take the man to the truck and tie him there and kill him where no one can find him at

After that he immediately went back to naya she calmed down a bit but was still crying he picked her up and sat her down in the backseat and put her on his lap and hugged her tight and played with her not saying a word just looking out of the window while she was crying in his arms

The moment they arrived he picked her up and took her to there room and naya was Already asleep he laid her down on the bed and cover her with the blanket and got her makeup cleanser and started taking off her makeup knowing she hates to sleep with her makeup on after that he went and took a shower and went and laid down beside naya looking at her tired face just thinking of how ashamed he is of not being with her and protecting her

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