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Naya's dad:you need to apologize too for mr and miss hossler too

Naya:yeah sure I'm sorry mr and miss hossler for my behavior I hope you forgive me too

At this moment naya didn't have any problem to punch her dad in the face but ofc she would never

Miss hossler:don't worry honey you're an amazing gorgeous girl I won't be mad at you and we apologize for Jaden's behavior

Mr hossler:yeah he has some anger issues and we are trying to help him with it But ofc a wife like you will help him a lot

He smiled at her when Naya's smile dropped and her face went all confused about what he said and she turned at her parents who were agreeing with mr hossler and were talking happily about me and that asshole

Naya:wait wait sorry what do you mean? A wife like me?? And help him??

Jaden:him who? And you're married?

Zeena:no bast- no mr hos-

Naya's dad:you both are getting married to each other look how perfect you guys look together




Mr hossler:Jaden! Your voice down and your language son

Mr Richard William aka Naya's dad: same with you Naya

Mr William:and yes both of you will get married to each other you just need some time to get along and then the wedding then you both will be ready to introduced to the world as the new royal couple

Naya:this will never happen!! I will never marry him! He's an asshole!

Jaden:me? Did you see your bitch ass and how you think you're full of yourself

Mr William:you both stop it end of discussion it will happen


Naya went up straight to her room while her dad yelling at her to come back and her mom followed her to the room

Miss William:you serious naya?? What the big scene you did huh?? Why did you do that??

Naya:big scene??? Mom he wants to marry a boy I just fucking met!! I can't do that!! I don't want him! I will never marry him! He's an asshole a bitch!

Miss William:you will!! That's end of discussion I didn't came here to try to comfort you no! I came to let you stop this shit and know you have to do it

Naya:I fucking hate this shit!

All what was on Naya's mind if he's gonna be abusive cheater toxic a lot of stuff was going around her head and she was so mad and stressed if she's really gonna marry him or she have to do something else

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