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Jaden woke up and didn't saw Naya beside him he panicked but then he heard the shower sound  and her voice crying in the shower he sighed and got up and went in the showers and hugged naya from behind which made her jump and then turn and hug him so tight and cry into his arms

Naya:I'm so sorry please forgive me I didn't mean to scream at you I'm rea-

He kissed her making her shut up and kiss him back and he just looked into her eyes

Jaden:idc what you said to me all I care about is you to forgive me for not being with you and helping you I'm really sorry babe

She stared crying harder and hug him tighter

Naya:why are you so sweet to me after what I did to you I swear i don't deserve this after what I did

He hugged her back and chuckled and grabbed the shampoo and started washing her hair making naya smile weakly

Jaden:I just don't want you to cry beautiful he doesn't deserve your tears

Naya:I just feel so bad and like a slut and worthless piece of shit and I feel he took my body from me

Jaden:don't say that you're amazing you're the best girl ever you're the cutest baddest bitch ever and he will never break you

Naya:you're amazing

She smiled as she kissed him and washed her hair and wrapped the towel around her body and got out

Naya:what did you do to him?

Jaden:don't worry about it i just gave him what he deserves I mean he deserves way more but I did what I had to do

She nodded as she just didn't really want to talk and she went and did her skin routine so her skin doesn't break out and went and wore her shorts and a sport bra and she was gonna brush her hair when Jaden grabbed the brush and grabbed naya and sat her on his lap and started brushing her hair

Naya:didn't we hate each other

Jaden:what should I do? You're attitude and your cuteness and Latina gene gets me so bad

She giggled and he was so happy he cheered her up and made her feel better ofc she wasn't the best yet but it was better

Jaden:what about you didn't you hate me to death

Naya:I mean yes I did but like from day one but like I always thought you were attractive and handsome and an asshole ofc and I thought you do treat women like shit but I was so wrong you're really a gentleman and I'm happy I met you I just hope nothing changes

Jaden:don't worry nothing will happen

He grabbed her wrist slowly so he doesn't hurt her and grabbed a cream and started applying it on her hand making naya stare at him with a smile on her face of how amazing he is and her stomach felt butterflies and her heart was flying

Jaden:take a photo if it will last longer

They both giggled as he kissed her making naya kiss him back

Naya:no you're just so adorable

Jaden:ty cutie now you need to eat and go out maybe

Naya:no ty i don't feel like eating or going out I will stay here for today

Jaden:come on you can't just stay here bby

Naya:no seriously i don't wanna go out I don't feel like it

Jaden:at least eat

She shook her head and got up from his lap after he started moving his legs And laid on the bed And covered herself with the Blanket

Jaden:what's wrong you have to eat you can't do that to yourself please and why did you get up

Naya:I really don't feel like eating and it's just better I don't wanna annoy you I mean why would you do all of that after what I did to you and screamed at you I'm a horrible person for what I did I swear I didn't mean it I just felt terrible for what I did

She said as she started crying again feeling so insecure making Jaden sigh and go hug her tight

Jaden:princess you're amazing you're literally so perfect and you know it Ik you do Whenever anyone wanna take you down you always don't give a fuck so don't feel like this pretty girl

Naya hugged Jaden tight as she cried feeling that she wasn't enough for him like he deserved someone better than her

Naya:Jaden you can leave me whenever you want you don't have to stay with me

Jaden:naya you're getting me mad so stop it please


Jaden:I said stop!

He hugged her and she hugged back and they stayed like this for a while silence

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