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Jaden was smoking while he was walking beside the beach and he was texting someone when a girl came up to him

Girl: Hola guapa "hello handsome"


Girl: ¿Por qué caminas solo? Me refiero a que un hombre guapo como tú no debería caminar solo "why are you walking alone i mean a handsome man like you shouldn't be walking alone "

Jaden: en realidad eso no es asunto tuyo mi novia está conmigo así que puedes irte "actually that's none of your business my girlfriend is with me so you can leave "

Girl: pero no la veo "but i don't see her"

Jaden:listen you can leave I don't want anyone around me rn so respectfully fuck off

Girl:or fuck me

She smirked as she came closer to Jaden and went to kiss him when he moved his head aside

Jaden:if you don't don't understand Spanish or English so wtf do you understand? I said I have a gf so leave me tf alone!!

Jaden was getting really annoyed and if she was a man he would killed her already

Girl:come on Ik you want me so bad

She was wearing a bikini Cuz they were on the beach and she was trying to seduce Jaden in every way

This bitch got the balls and grabbed Jaden's hand and placed it down on here clit but he grabbed it fast
Right then she kissed him , Jaden always had something for Latinas and she was so hot tan skin blue eyes brunette But he took some sec to understand what is happening and he pulled away fast as possible but before he could scream at her or say anything he received a slap from Naya she was standing there the whole time she wanted to apologize for him she was standing there tearing

Naya:never talk to me again we're done

She slapped the girl too and went back to the room crying as when Jaden was trying to understand wtf just happened and he went fast as possible back to the room but naya took the key he had and locked the door so he wouldn't come in

Jaden:naya open the door please let me explain

She ignored him and kept packing her stuff as Jaden was banging on the door

Jaden:naya open the door please I need to explain what happened

She kept ignoring him and got her AirPods and put on some music and opened the door and got a blanket and laid down on the couch while Jaden went to her trying to explain but she moved her hair from her ear so he can see she has AirPods on which means "don't waist your time i don't wanna hear you " Jaden signed and packed his stuff and naya was trying to calm down but she was tearing and trying not to cry and make any sounds she was heart broken she thought Jaden was the perfect man for her but turned out it all was a lie and now she hates his guts for cheating on her naya always hated cheaters especially after her last relationship

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