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Naya kissed Jaden as she hugged him and stayed on his lap sticking her ass out Jaden kissed her forehead and rested his hands on her ass patting it

Jaden:you know I need to drive beautiful

Naya:i don't care keep going I'm not moving anywhere I'm gonna stay here it's so comfy

Jaden:fine by me

Naya warped her arms around Jaden's neck and was taking pics of them when Jaden got into drive this for Naya's fav Hardee's

Jaden.what do you wanna eat princess??

Naya:Swiss mush with cruly fries and extra cheese but let him put the cheese aside so I can dip my fries in it And Pepsi please

Jaden:okay love

Naya got butterflies and hugged Jaden tighter as Jaden started ordering as he went to pay naya blocked the view for him and took her money and paid

Jaden:NAYAAAAA wtf I was gonna pay

Naya:well too bad I already did

Jaden:I wanted to pay so here is your money

Naya:nope I already paid I don't you to pay for everything relationships are half half

Jaden:but you said we are not together??

Naya glared at Jaden and rolled her eyes as he chuckled as she wanted to explain to him

Jaden:what y oh said that and I don't have any problem to change that

Naya:I meant friendships chill and I won't take the money now shut up and hug me I'm cold

Jaden:okay love

Naya snuggled and placed a kiss on her forehead and played with her hair while they waited for the food

They took the food and parked aside and jay went back to the passenger seat and took her food and started eating first she went to fast to the fries and finished them all and as Jaden turn his head she stared taking more from his fries and then act normal and eat her burger Jaden moved his head down to get the sprite when naya went to take fries but he grabbed her hand fast

Jaden:do I look dumb


Naya laughed and took the fires with her other hand and ate it while Jaden glared at her as she continued laughing

Jaden:you took all my fries!!

Naya:I like them sorryyyyy

Jaden:not my problem you finished yours!

Naya Pouted at jaden wanting to take her fries and giving him the look " pleaseeeeeee"

Jaden:fine take them

Naya:thank youuuuuuu you can this piece I don't like how it looks not a fully curly one

Jaden:Omg thank you that's a lot fr!!

Jaden said in girly voice making naya laugh as Jaden continued talking sarcastically

Naya:np if that's a lot I can it

Jaden:naya go eat just eat

Naya giggled as she continued eating Jaden's fries and finished her fries

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