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Jaden:what are you stating at leave rn!

Naya:okay wtf? I just wanted to talk and let you know and as always you have to be a fucking asshole yk what I would rather die and not marry you

Jaden:same here you suck bitch

Naya was trying to hold her punch but she couldn't so she was gonna punch him hard in the face when he moved in the right Time which made her trip he grabbed her and pushed her to the wall holding her by her neck

Jaden:you think you can be all tough on me but you're playing with the wrong person and you need to stop this shit

He stared deadly at her eyes all dominative eyes were all looking at her which made her trying to swallow and hold her breathe But all she was concentrating at his bluish eyes and his curls going down his eyes and his hard jawline and his veins popping out his hand while she stared at them which made Jaden realize and get closer to her ear and whisper

Jaden:don't act all tough when your literally drooling over me

She didn't notice she was really drooling which made Jaden lick her drool and smirk letting her go and turn and go to the bed to lay down


She left the room fast so embarrassed and her stomach filled with butterflies and her mind was just thinking about how sexy he was and his ways just get her closer to him but she still hated him but found him super attractive

She went to her room and laid down just continuing to think about the sexy German prince and fell asleep in her thoughts about him


Next morning Naya woke up so annoyed and was mad asf but she fucking dreamed about Jaden railing her which made her mad bc she's so fucking horny she hopped on the shower trying to help herself but she just couldn't get him off her mind she finished and dried her self and wore her outfit for the day and did her makeup and was all ready for the breakfast but before she got her vibrator and put it on , on level 40% so she can control herself she went downstairs and saw him they made eye contact which made her have butterflies he smirked and looked away knowing exactly how much control he have over her which annoyed her but also made her feel good in some ways

Mr William:I hope y'all are enjoying your breakfast but as naya and Jaden are getting married you both have to hang out more often together and maybe travel somewhere together so you could know each other more and spend more time together

Naya:with him? No way

Jaden:come on please can't you just get this out of your mind? Like I will marry anyone but please not her!

Naya:like I wanna be with you

She rolled her so annoyed and just more mad that they really want them to get fucking married that's insane for both Jaden and naya but they both know if will happen at the end bc there parents does whatever they want not what the kids want and for there own good

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