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This was the day naya was going to meet Ryle she was so excited she just landed in LA and when she got out she saw Ryle and ran up to him and hug him tight and he immediately hugged her back and she warped her legs around his waist fast

Ryle:hello princess

Naya:hey handsome

She smiled as she kissed his cheeks and got down and Ryle got her bags and took her to the car and opened the door for her she smiled at him as she got in the car it was a ford fusion black car it was cool but as princess naya she would always be in sport cars and jeep Range Rover and these fancy cars I mean she's a princess but she's so into sport cars they are here soft spot.

Ryle:let's go eat where do you wanna eat?

Naya:cainesss please

Ryle:sure let's go


Naya:ty Excuse me I'm going to the bathroom

Ryle nods as naya went there and did her business and washed her hands and she went to the open the door of the restaurant when she saw me Jaden hossler

Jaden:miss me?

He smirked as he came in the bathroom locking the door after him and start rolling up his sleeves while looking in the stall to make sure no one was there And naya was shocked and confused to see him here

Naya:what are you doing here tf???

Jaden:you're the one who is following me I literally moved here to start my own business that is about sport cars

He knew naya loved sport cars and loved night drives and speed

Naya:I'm not following you I'm literally so shocked to see here

Jaden:who is the man outside your little bf??

Naya:not yet but soon will be and why are you even here??? You literally left me!

Jaden:bby girl it was all arranged

He smirked as he was stepping closer and naya was stepping back as she hit the wall and she was so shocked and slapped him so hard


He got mad and pinned her to the wall with his hand around her throat

Naya:l-leave me b-bitch

Jaden:I arranged all of this to give you a little lesson to not play with me little bitch

Naya:I didn't do anything to you why would you do this to me!! You literally made my father not talk to me and treat me like shit and my mom barely talks to me!!!

Jaden:that's a pay back for what you did to me when you told them that I cheated on you in the vacation when i didn't and when you got into my room while we hated each other and I was fucking a girl!! And you made everyone start screaming and say a lot of shit!!!


Naya stood there looking at jaden dead in the eyes wanting to murder him at this moment from what he did and he was such an asshole to her and hurt her

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