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Naya:what are you doing in my room Can't you just leave me alone for a little

She came into the room and closed the door as she saw him looking at the masks and reading they does to the skin and how good does effects it

Jaden:what? I wanna spend time with my gf and I have nothing to do

Naya:gf? Nah and gimme that mask they are mine and out to your room

Jaden:nah I'm good i will stay here and I want to put this mask on

He pointed at the lemon garnier mask

Naya:but I wanted that one and I don't want you here I wanna have an alone night do leave me roommmmmmm

Jaden:and I'm so bored and i won't leave until you take care of my skin

Jaden knows he's a talking with the stubborn herself so he was trying he was really bored and wanted to spend more time with her cuz he wanted naya to fell for him hard he knew she was a stubborn full of her boys die to have her so when he have her he would knew he won Cuz basically she would beg for him be under his control and he would be feel the king when he have the sexiest hottest girl ever

Naya:ummm no I don't want you to stay with me I wanna spend some time alone leave rn

Jaden:I'm staying let's see what you gotta do

She grabbed him by his neck Cuz he was shirtless

Naya:leave hossler

Jaden:no not before a mask

Naya:uffffff whatever come with me

He smirked and laid down and naya grabbed her stuff and she sat on his stomach and Start doing his eyebrows and made them look amazing and put the mask he wants on and grabbed the roller and start applying the mask more and Jaden was enjoying it a lot and having so much and his eyes were just focused on how pretty she is while his face and take care of it and she noticed him staring

Naya:what is there anything on my face?what are you looking at?


Naya:stuttering huh?

She smirked as she put an alarm on after 10 min so she can take off her and his mask

Jaden:no? I just was thinking about something

Naya:that's why your eyes were following me but okay

Jaden:you just look so hot focused and putting my mask on and your boobies are so big and hot i can see them threw your lace bra

Naya:eyes up there are mine not yours Jaden and I can wear whatever I want

He puts his hands on her boobs each hand on each boob and stare into her eyes and same with naya she started at him looking through his eyes and both felt hella butterflies controlling them when the alarm went off

Naya:ugh we're d-done

She take off his and hers mask and put the cream on there faces and made sure everything is perfect

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