A great night 0.1 Kendall Jenner

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Y/N walks to into the club to meet Justin and Zayn.As she enters a couple of guys approaches her but she just raises her hand to say 'no thanks'

Y/N saw Justin and Zayn with some girls and walks towards them but on the way she noticed a guy following her.She sighed as she turned around and looked at the guy.

"How can i help you?"Y/n says calmly.

"How about a number?"The guy says.

"9."Y/n says and walks away back to Justin.

Y/N walks behind them.

"Boo!"y/n says and everyone at the table let out a scream making y/n laugh.

"Y/N!"The two boys said in unison as they hug y/n.

"My favourite idiots."y/n says.

Zayn and Justin laugh as they pull away.

"y/n meet out friends.Gigi,Bella,Hailey,Taylor and thats Kendall."Zayn says.

"Hi im y/n."I say.

They all didnt say anything so i snapped my fingers and they looked up at me making me and the two boys laugh.

"Hey cutie-"

"Not interested buddy for the goddam 13th time."Y/n says.

"Give me your number and ill go."The guy says.

"1-8-0-0-2-9-1-1."Y/n says and Zayn and Justin laugh again.

"Okay bai."The guy says.

"What an idiot."Gigi jokes

"Agreed."Y/n says.

"Y/n see that girl over there."Justin pointed to a blonde girl.

"Let me guess number.."Y/n asks and Justin nodded slowly.

y/n took out a piece of paper and handed it to Justin.


"Shhh.A magician never reveals their secret."Y/n says.

"The secret is probably her beauty."Kendall says.

"See even is she is smarter than the both of you."Y/n says and everyone laughs.

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