Always and Forever BH

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Bella Pov

Although its been 3 years,i still waited for him.I was currently at the MET gala when the host announced and announcement.

"Everyone please welcome.Atlantic!"The crowd of celebs cheer and some of the fans too.

3 boys with a mask came out as one went to the mic while the other went to their instruments.But all Bella could focus on was the boy with the electric guitar in a mask.His hair was y/h/c and his eyes mesmerise her like he's seen it somewhere.

As the music starts.

"1...2...1...2...3...4"The band then started playing.

"Can i just stay here! Spend the rest of my days here."He then takes off his mask making all the air get knocked out of my lungs.

His eyes landed on me and i saw a smile on that face making me melt.I felt happy tears slid down my face while my friends look at me confuse.

"Bells you okay?"Gigi asks.

"Yeah."I say softly.

"Cause you make me feel like.Ive been locked out of heaven.And its a (ohh ohh ohh) and its a (ohh ohh ohh,ahh ahh)"

The song ended making them receive a standing ovation.He look at me as he opens his arm making me nod.He smiles as he walks over to me making everyone look at him.

I couldnt wait for him so i just ran towards him.He had swung his guitar back.I jumped in his arms making him chuckle.We stayed there as i heard people awe but i just hid my face in the crook of his neck sniffing everyone now and then
I only realised he brought me in a room when i felt him sit down and my legs touch some silk.

I pulled away and look at his face.

"Ive missed you."I admit.

"Ive missed you too,beautiful."He says making my heart fluster at his words.

I smile as he leans forward and kiss me.It was slow yet passionate.It lit fireworks like never before. 

As we were kissing we heard a click sound making us pull away to see the necklace he gave me 3 years ago connected with his thru our shirt.He chuckle as i join in later.

"You kept it."I asks shocked.

"I always did,Bells.Always and Forever remember?"He said making me smile and kiss him.

"Always and forever."I say pulling away.

"I love you."He says as he pecks my lips.

"Love you too."I say making him smile even wider.

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