Age Gap BH

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"I wonder what Y/n is doing."Stormi asks.

"Who's Y/n?"Kim asks her daughter as they all ate.

"Yeah."Bella asks.

"Little crush."Hailey teased.

"He's something."Chicago trails off.

"Yeah.Everyone has a crush on him atleast twice."Connor added.

"He's the soccer team captain aka Connor's best friend."Dream says.

"And almost all your daughters are crushing on him.Im inviting him over anyways."Connor says as he put a piece of steak in his mouth.

"What?!"All the teens girls exclaimed making their parents drop their spoons and forks.

"I invited him over for a game of basketball and video games."Connor says.

"And you didnt tell us?!"Katherine says making all the teens point at her.

Connor shrugs.All the teenage girls run upstairs to change.

"He must be really attractive."Gigi says making Connor hum.

The girls change into prettier clothes.The doorbell rings making the girls prop themselves and cross their legs making their parents shake their head.

Connor soon enter the room with a boy and everyone almost drop their glass of drinks.Standing there was a boy who had a sharp jawline and amazing Y/E/C eyes.

They snapped out of their dazes when Connor snapped his fingers.He was wearing track pants and a jersey.

"Y/n meet my friends and their parents.You'll learn their name through the night."Connor says making the boy nod.

"H-hi im Amelia from Science.You know me right?"Amelia asks.

"No."Y/n trails off making Amelia have a sad look.

"Unless me telling you that you have 2 pets and 2 siblings.Your favourite subject is Math and Biology and you hate literature then no i dont know you,Amelia Bieber."Y/n says making Amelia blush.

"Stop flirting with my sister."Connor says making Y/n raise his hands in defence.

"Ill get the ball."Connor says jogging away.

"So Y/n tell us more about yourself."Bella says.

"What would you like to know?"Y/n asks leaning against the wall.

"How old are you?"


"Favourite number?"


"Favourite food?"


"Crush?"Bella asks.

"Well i dont know."Y/n shrugs.

Connor came back and passed the ball to Y/n.

"Lets go to the backyard."Connor says making Y/n nod and bid the adults and teens goodbye.

It was raining so the boys stop playing and went inside.They were both soaking wet.They laugh since Connor slipped on the wet cement.Y/n was soaking to the point you could see his abs and a peak of his v-line.

As Connor enters the room with Y/n behind him laughing his ass off their head snap and everyone drooled as they look at Y/n.

"Ill grab the gym bag!"Y/n says as he ran upstairs.

"Yall need to stop staring at him.He just admitted he like older woman."Connor says making everyone turn to Bella.

"What?"She asked.

"Well Bella over here is crushing on Connor and is single plus she is a MILF."Kendall trails off making Bella send her a glare.

Everyone laugh as Y/n soon came back down.

Everyone laugh as Y/n soon came back down

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