The More She Says KJ

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"I love you!"Y/N blurt out.

"What?"Kendall asks.

"Im in love with you Kenny.I cant fucking pinpoint what im feeling for you.But i know i love you more than anything."Y/n says.

"Y/n...Im with Devin."Kendall says.

"Break up with him and be with me."y/n says lowly.

"Y/n i only see you as a friend."Kendall says.

Y/n face fell as she nods and left.

Its been 2 weeks ever since that incident the two had yet to contact each other.All of Kendall's friend didnt contact Y/n at all.

They were all sitting down at Craig's.As they were reading thru the menu they heard a name they never thought they would.

"Y/n how are you?"The person next to them says.

Their head shot to see Y/n she looks better and more happier.

"Im great."She says as she sat down opposite the woman.

"So tell me."The woman says and Y/n takes off her glasses.

"Its on next week."Y/n says and the woman squeals.

"So whats the wedding theme?"The woman asks.

The girl shares a look and Kendall heart clench.Devin broke up with her and she realised she loved y/n.

"Formal yet fashionistas."Y/n says.

"Are you inviting you supermodel friends or Kendall?"The woman asks.

"No.Emily wouldnt want that."Y/n said.

"So whats Emily dress like?"The woman asks.

" A secret.Just remember to come.Hayward st avenue 18."Y/n says and Kendall smiles to herself.

That was Kendall's favourite place.Y/n wedding was gonna be there.

Kendall walked into the wedding to see Y/n.Her face dropped as she walks toward Kendall.

"You cant marry her."Kendall blurts out.

"Okay.Im not even getting married."Y/n says and Kendall eyebrow furrow in confusion.

"Its my sister wedding Ken.Im still in love with you."

"I love you too Y/n Y/m/n y/l/n"Kendall says and Y/n smiles.

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