Behind those lies [2] KNJ

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Y/n pov

⚠️Sensitive topics!!!!!⚠️

3 years later,

its been three months and i have changed,ive became a better version of me.I was currently in my studio recording my new single.

"...Baby, we don't stand a chance, it's sad but it's true
I'm way too good at goodbyes,"

"Y/n!"My manager said bursting me making me and my band jump.

"You guys are going to perform at the MET gala!"He says pumping his fist in the air and jumping around.

I smile at that.It slipped my mind that she was going to be there.

I had changed by my appearance as well.I looked hotter now and i was fitter than before.I also stopped smoking/vaping since i remembered Kendall i promise her i would in 2 years.I stopped last year so.

I was currently laying on my bed.Then i remembered.She will know this song is for her.I thought as i felt my heart beating increase.

It was currently the day of the MET gala.Ive spent the whole event in the bathroom and know i was getting ready.I was wearing a Versace suit that was custom made for me.

I put on a fake smile as i grab my mic and put my electric guitar over my head.

"Y/b/n your in on 5."The guy says making me nod.

the rest of the guys went out before me.I went out as smoke surrounded us.

Rhodey: Some days it's hard to see
If I was a fool, or you, a thief
Made it through the maze to find my one in a million
Now you're just a page torn from the story I'm living

As Rhodey was singing my eyes looked thru the crowd before it landed on a familiar pair of brown orbs.She gave me a smile but i couldnt give it to her back.

Me: And all I gave you is gone
Tumbled like it was stone
Thought we built a dynasty that heaven couldn't shake
Thought we built a dynasty like nothing ever made
Thought we built a dynasty forever couldn't break up

The scar I can't reverse
When the more it heals the worse it hurts
Gave you every piece of me, no wonder it's missing
Don't know how to be so close to someone so distant

I sang my part as i strum the electric guitar softly.I saw her eyes soften at my words but i shake it off.After our performance,i immediately went off stage.

I went to my dressing room and slammed the door as my phone rang continuously.I looked at it to see my mother.I had to fix my hair in the mirror so i put her on speaker and put her to the side.

"Y/n Y/m/n  y/l/n.Im so proud of you."She says.

I smile at that and mumble a thank you.

"Y/n...was that song about Kendall."She asks making me stop fixing my hair but i regain everything and took a deep breath.

"Yeah."I say.

"All my songs are about her actually.Every line refers to her."I say making my mother say okay.

I could tell she was smiling.

"So when will you finally admit you loved the girl?"She asked.

"Well motha lucky you.I love Kendall Nicole Jenner."I say hearing my mother squeal on the other line.

"Y/n...why dont you tell Kendall the truth?"My mother says making me sigh as i stopped fixing my hair.

"She's happy mother.I dont have the right to take it away from her.Its my fault i cant control my life and make her suffer."I say.

"You loved her so you got scared and pushed her away."My mother says.

"What am i suppose to do mother.Walk up yo her and say 'hey im sorry i treated you like shit.I was scared to fall in love with you because of my past relationship where all my significant hurt me and take advantage of me'" The other line went silent making me huff as i sat in my chair.

"Kendall was my first love.I'd like to remember it that way.I dont know if it was actually true though.I think i was high for too much of it.I know it wasnt easy for her and i hope she forgives me."I say hearing a sniff on the other side making me put my head down.

"Y/n.Its okay to be in love."She says.

"Its is.Its the leaving part that hurts."I say softly.

"Y/n go to therapy.You've missed it for weeks."She says.

"Why?"I ask knowing the answer.

"Y/n you tried to end your life by jumping off a building 7 times per week when Kendall left you.I had to force you to therapy and have a body guard follow you for you to stop but you cut yourself."My mother says making me sigh knowing she was right.

"I got to go."I say as i ended the call and fall back in my chair looking at the ceiling.

All the memories of her flooded back in my mind.I felt a couple tears slid down my cheek but i ignored it.I stood up and turned around to see Kendall and the girls on the couch looking at me with so much pity it was pathetic.

"Spare the pity look."I say as i grabbed my phone and shove it in my pocket.

I knew they heard the conversation.I was about to leave when i felt a soft pair of hand hold my wrist.I couldnt face her not now.Not after that call.

I felt her slowly lift my suit on my wrist to see the scars.I heard her gasp as she slide a finger over my scars.I pulled my hand back making her look at me with sadness in her eyes.


"Its not your fault."I said knowing inside she was blaming herself.

I wanted to kiss her but i couldnt so i went to the safe side instead.I kissed her forehead.

"Its mine.It always was."I whispered before pulling away and leaving the place.

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