Caught GH

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Y/n Pov

I was currently in my living room vaping my new ice watermelon pod which was mhm.I was also scrolling through tiktok.

I heard my door open making me panic and shove the vape between my couch before leaning back and shutting my mouth not letting the smoke out as my girlfriend and her friends entered the room.

Gigi;"Hey babe."She said as she sat on my lap making me wrap my arm around her waist.

Fuck how am i going to let the smoke out without them noticing.

Bella;"You okay?"She asks making everyone look at me as i gave her an okay sign.

I stood up and put Gigi aside as i ran outside and let out the smoke taking a deep breath.I went back inside to see Gigi with her arms crossed making me gulp.

"Yeah we're gonna leave you two.Bai g!"Her friends shout as they left making me gulp.

Gigi:"Are you vaping?"She asks making me shake my head."Let me smell your breath."She said making me panic.

Y/n:"For what?"i ask making her shrug as she came closer.

I ran to the kitchen with Gigi hot on my trails as i swallowed some soyabean drink on the counter.

Gigi:"You were vaping!"She said making me shake my head.

She walked closer and she pull my neck to meet her lips.I kissed back.

Gigi:"Yes you were.Your breath doesnt smell like Soyabean."She said making me sigh.

Y/n:"It was one time....maybe a couple times but still."I said making Gigi hit me on my arm."Ow!"I yelped making her cross her arms and glare at me.

Gigi:"You promised to stop."She said.

I sigh as we talked it out agreeing i can't do it anymore or she'll break up with me.

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