The Other Parent's Responsibilities G!P Gigi Hadid

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I saw her look up as her eyes greyish blue eyes met mine. She shook her head before looking at the boy with a stern look.

Sebastian:" Mommy! I miss you." He said pouting making my heart melt.

The little boy walked over as he opened his arms meaning he wanted to be carried making y/n do so. She sent him a smile making him send her a gummy smile making us all in awe. Sebastian opens his arms making us turn to see a woman in her 40s.Y/n handed him to her making her walk away with Sebastian.

Kris:" Y/n, it's so nice to see you again." She said making Y/n nod as she sent us all a smile.

Y/n:" Likewise, Kris." She said before focusing on me.

Kris:" Kris?! Ridiculous I am your mother, Y/n." She said but Y/n maintain eye contact.

"You are not her mother."

We all gasp as we saw Y/D/N standing in all his glory in a suit that looked custom-tailored for him and was probably expensive. He smiled as a woman came over and hooked their arms together. Y/n told us everything making us bow our heads down in shame. When she walked away, I quickly got up and rushed after her. I managed to catch up as I grabbed her wrist making her turn around.

Y/n: "What?" She asks making me stutter before speaking.

Gigi: "I can't have children and I wanna be in Sebastian's life again." I said making her look me deep in the eyes before removing her wrist and walking away making me stand there utterly stupid and filled with regret.

"Ms.Y/n has requested we gave you her business card and she'll meet you on Friday so you can talk to Sebastian more." He said handing me a business card making me thank him and putting it in my pocket as he walked away.


Y/n: "Come in." She said making me open the door and enter. "Perfect timing I'm about to pick up Sebastian from his soccer practice." She said as she grabbed her coat and purse. "Well, hurry up than the earth isn't going to stop rotating for you. Time is precious." She said making me chuckle as we got in her Porsche.

She parked and soon the door opened revealing Sebastian with his curly wet hair he smiled when he saw me and sat on my lap. He requested we go to Nobu which I agreed to and so did y/n.I was tickling him as we pulled up making me and Y/n get out as we got a seat in the far back corner .Y/n ordered for Sebastian as I ordered a shrimp fried rice. We all joked around and played making me smile.

"You guys are a really cute family.'"

y/n: "Oh no we aren't-"

Gigi: "Thanks." I said thanking the pretty lady making y/n send me a look which I brush off.

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