Fake Love Gigi Hadid

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As i laid in bed looking at the ceiling the only sound in the room was a heart slowly breaking.I felt tears slowly sting my eyes as the flashbacks played.

Y/n:"No!"I say as i threw the vase on the wall making John,my manager,flinch.

John:"Everything the whole relationship and affection was part of their plan.Gigi and her friends has place bet on how long you can get together with her.We have video tape evidence from the cameras in the restaurant your brother send us since he owns it."He said making me put my head in my heads as tears started streaming down my face.

I stormed out of the office and ignored the calls from John.

I heard the front door open along with the voices of my 'girlfriend' friends making me scoff and groan as i stood up and went to the bathroom and change into better clothes since i had a plan to get back at her.I already packed my bags and got Markus to sent it o my house.

I already put on my makeup so i did my hair before putting on my white crop top.

I put on my jeans before calling up the one person Gigi hated,Alex Warrant because he always flirted with me and tried to get on me infront of Gigi.

I call up Alex as i walked downstairs and entered the kitchen seeing Gigi and her friends eye me hungrily while Gigi licked her lips as well.I grab a apple and a bottle of water as a quick to go.I lean against the counter as i prop up my elbow.

Alex:"I'm almost there,babe.10 mins."He said making me chuckle.

Y/n:"We're using pet names now?"I ask somewhat amused.

Alex:"I'm at the door open up."He said making me chuckle.

I ignore Gigi and her friends as i walk to the door and open it to see Alex.I lead him to the kitchen as he washed his hands.

Gigi:"What is he doing here?"She growled making Alex smirk.

Alex:"I'm entertaining your girlfriend."He said smugly making me smile as i walk over and kiss his cheek before grabbing a soap and pumping it into his hands.

Gigi:"Well that's not happening on my watch."she said crossing her arms as the girls came up behind her.

Alex:"Really."He said making Gigi nod.He grabbed him and caress my cheek making me chuckle and smile at him before kissing him.

I pull away looking at Gigi who looked heartbroken.

Gigi:"What the fuck?!"She said grabbing Alex by his collar and punching him making me help him.

Y/n:"What is wrong with you?!"I ask her back making her look taken aback.

Kendall:"No,what the fuck is wrong with you Gigi's your girlfriend."She spat making me roll my eyes as i help
Alex stand up.

Y/n:"Yeah sure girlfriend.So who won?"I ask making them look confuse."Who won the bet you guys place on me?"I ask making Alex chuckle.

Alex:"Come on we're both interested."He said making them all shut up instantly.

Gigi:"Y/n can we talk?"She asks making Alex shake his head.

Alex:"See you baby."He said kissing me cheek making me smile as he let go of my hand.

I look at Gigi who has tears in my heart which made me want to comfort her but i can't.I have to do this for myself.I grab Gigi's hands as i brought her to our shared room.I sat her down on the bed before going to walk to the chair opposite her.

Gigi:"I love you truly.I know what we did was wrong but along the way i realise how perfect you were how lucky i was to have you.I realise how much i needed you so please don't leave me.I'll do anything.Don't be with Alex be with me."She begged making me almost gave in but i shake my head.

Y/n:"I'm sorry but i can't be with someone who lied to me for almost a year about our relationship."I say as i stood up and left.

I went to Alex's house since Gigi had the keys to my house and i didn't really want to face her.

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