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Y/n was currently walking to the indoor field in the school.

Y/n goes to a private school and was captain of the rugby team

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Y/n goes to a private school and was captain of the rugby team.Y/n was practically the popular and attractive boy in school.He had a heart of gold except he turned cold to one person.

James,his ex bestfriend aka co-captain of rugby.

Y/n entered the gym to see his teamates and a couple of college student.

"Y/n! Why are you late?!"Coach asks making everyone snap their head to Y/n.

Y/n lazily threw his duffle bag on the ground before running around the field.After 8 rounds he lift his shirt to wipe the sweat ok his face earning a gasp from the cheerleaders nearby.

Y/n walks over and places a hand on both his knees to support him up.

"Now! Y/n i want you to show these college student how we play understand?!"Coach asks.

"Mhm."Y/n says.

Y/n eyes met one of the college student and his heart stopped beating for a while before it restarted itself and continued.

There she was.Those blueish green eyes he'll never forgive and forget for making him so mesmerize by them.

It was the one and only Bella.Y/n ex the one that made him go against relationships,the one that made him vape and drink,the one that he would have motivation to hit a punching bag.

A guy came over and wrapped an arm around her waist making her eyes divert to him before meeting Y/n's again.

Y/n look back at coach and pay attention.

"Lets go!"Coach says.

The team got in their positions.

"Blue....24......Hut!"Y/n yell making Cole catch the ball.

Y/n was fast runner so he was able to dodge some people.

"Open!"Y/n yell making Em throw the ball at him.

Y/n sprinted and scored a touchdown before getting passed a water bottle by the coach.

"Good job! Y/n take a break you did amazing as always."Coach says making James roll his eyes.

Y/n sat sown at the bench before an intoxicating smell fill his nose.The one he never forget.

"What do you want Bella?"Y/n says his tone harsh and annoyed.

"Im sorry-"

"For what? Breaking my heart or getting with my brother? Either way im not forgiving you."Y/n says as he stands up and walk to the locker room Bella hot on his trails.


"What-"Y/n was cut off by a pair of soft lips.

"Bella."Y/n says pushing her away.

"I want you.All of you.Ill leave Abel."Bella says making Y/n grab her and pull her to him before connecting their lips.

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