The Boys KJ

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Y/n Pov

I was just sitting watching movies in my bra when i heard my phone ring.I smile when i saw 'Zayn' appear.

Y/n:"What's up Asshat?"I ask hearing a chuckle on the other line.

Zayn:"Abel's having this dinner and his friend need someone as a date.There's not many people only The Kar-Jenners,Hadid and the Baldwins."He said making me mock him.

Y/n:"Not much people my ass.Do i know this guy?"I ask.

Zayn:"It's Alex Winston"He said making me chuckle.

Y/n:"Sure,he's cute."I say making Zayn hum.

Zayn:"I gave him your address.He'll pick you up."He said.

Y/n:"Oh yeah thanks Zayn for giving some dude my address."I say.

Zayn:"A cute dude."He said making me laugh."Bai."He said before handing the call making me laugh.

I stood up and went to my walk in closet finding something to wear.

Oh and wear something fancy

I roll my eyes at the text.

Of course i'm going to wear something fancy the  fucking Kardashian are going to be there.

Third Pov

Everyone was enjoying their time at Abel's dinner party.They were all sitting down and talking to one another.

Kendall:"Who are we waiting for?"Kendall asked making everyone look at Abel who checked his phone.

Abel:"Alex and his date."He said making everyone mouth open agape.

Gigi:"Who's Alex date?!"Gigi asks since everyone knew Alex had a high expectation,higher than the great wall of China.

Zayn:"My friend.She's a CEO of a company and she made a stack of money."He said making everyone share a look."You'll see."He said making everyone wait.

Soon the sound of an engine was heard making everyone stop their conversations and wait to see who would come in.Alex voice then boomed thru the hallway.

Alex:"Okay.I'll go take a seat."He said.

Soon he walked in alone.

Zayn:"Hey man,where's your date?"Zayn asks making Alex look up from his phone.

Alex:"She left her purse in her car."He said before taking a seat next to Bella.

We heard heels clicking the marble floor making us all turn.

"Oh my god.I'm so sorry."We heard making us look to see a girl who accidentally hit a waiter.

She bend down and help pick up the oranges.We all analysed her.She stood up as she walked towards us.The closer she got the clearer we saw her.

All our mouth when dry when we saw her close up.God she looked like a goddess.

Zayn:"Y/n!"The boy said making the girl smile making us all melt at her dimples.

She hugged Zayn before hugging the rest of the boys.She took a seat between Zayn and Alex.

Kris:"You are a very beautiful lady."Kris says.

Y/n:"Thank you,Ms.Jenner.Likewise."She said making Kris smile.

Y/n Pov

Zayn:"How did you even get The President son to date you?"Zayn said making everyone look at me.

Khloe:"You've dated the president son!"Khloe said making everyone look at Khloe before looking back at me.

Y/n:"Well yes.He used to be charming before he became a jerk."I say making Abel laugh."To answer your question Zayn.It was complicated.I used to be ugly remember.I asked him out and he said ew.Ew backwards is we and we in French is yes.So i went to his house the next day."I say sipping my wine making everyone look at me somewhat amused.

Gigi:"Your hot."She said making me chuckle.

Fai:"He probably punching the air now."He said making me laugh.

Abel:"He's true.I saw him when he was sleeping."He said making me and the others laugh.

Y/n:"You stalk my ex."I ask.

"Mhm."All the boys says in unison making me laugh.

Travis:"We care about you."He said making me laugh.

Y/n:"Cheers to that."I say making them all raise up their glass of wine before sipping it.

I ended up talking to Alex before switching my gaze around the table before it landed on a beautiful brown orbs.I saw her looking at me making me send her a smile.

which seemed to wake her up as she looked down and blushed.I giggle before going to talk to Zayn and Gigi.

Gigi:"Zayn go away.I want to talk to Y/n."She said as she stood up and asked Zayn to sit next to Anwar so she could sit next to me.

Zayn chuckle as he did so.I talked to Gigi and was satisfied.This girl was a walking vibe.

Gigi:"Did you know that the Kendall Jenner has been eyeing you from just now?"She said making me look at her and shake my head.

I look behind Gigi's shoulder and catches Kendall eyes on me.I look back at her.

Gigi:"I ship it."She said making me look at her and chuckle.

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