F.B.I. Agent BH

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Bella Pov

I was currently in the MeT gala sitting down listening to James Atwood speech.

Just then the door burst open and a couple of cops came and blocks all the exit.James face became pale as he tried to run to backstage but a guy came down in him.He pinned him down as he turned James around.

Some part of the crowd were murmuring while the others were calm.The guy out handcuffs on James as he asked one of the guys to take James away.James pull on his mask making it pull out.He looked up and everyone gasp.

This boy was everything.His jawline was define and sharp and his eyes mhm his eyes dont get me started on them.His lips i wish i could feel them on mine wait what am i thinking about- nevermind

I just admired him when his eyes landed on mine making a smile creep up on my face.He smiled back making the crowd turn to look at me.Someone pulled him away and im pretty sure that was the last time i'll ever see him.

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