Abusive GH

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Tw:Blood and abuse

If your facing abuse please seek for help no matter how scared you are.

Gigi Pov

I flinch when a vase of flowers were thrown at me.

Zayn:"How could you be so fucking stupid?! I said to clean my clothes not fucking adjust them!"He shouted making me cry silently scared for my life.

You see i'm married to Zayn and he was abusive ever since i wanted to break up with him.I had a daughter with him Khai which was forced onto me after he raped me.I didn't dare to tell anyone scared to be judge.

Zayn lifted his sleeves as he grabbed a knife and walk over making me slowly retreat.He grabbed onto me harshly and push me on the bed as Khai continued crying.He straddles me as he slowly cut into my arm making me scream.

Gigi:"P-please stop!"I begged crying out of pain.

He smirked as he continued as i suffered as my daughter watch in agony.

Y/n Pov

I was sitting in my room playing video games when my phone rang making me walk over and answer it.

Y/n:"Hey G what's up?"I ask.

Gigi:"Y-y/n help me."She said before the call went out making me quickly get to my feet as i grabbed my keys and ran to my car.

I drifted to her house and parked before hurrying out and breaking down her front door since it was locked.

Y/n:"G!"I shouted hearing a whimper from upstairs making me rush upstairs to see Gigi on the bed with her legs and arms bleeding and Khai crying making me grab Khai as i walk over to Gigi.

Without question,i carried gigi on my back with Khai at my front as i brought both of them in my car.I seated Khai in my lap with Gigi in the passenger seat as i speeded to the hospital.

Once we were there,she was rushed to the emergency room as i held Khai stopping her from crying and soon she was asleep in my lap.Once they were done with surgery,I went to see my best friend to see her wrapped in bandages.I didn't realise how many wounds she had making me walk over as i caress her cheek making her wake up and look at me.

She looked frightened but once she saw me she calmed down as she held my hand.

Gigi:"Please don't leave me."She said making me send her a sad smile.

Y/n:"I'm not leaving you ever again.Your staying with me from now on and so is your daughter."i said making Gigi smile.


I laugh as Khai tried to scare her mother and succeeded making Khai run over and high five me.

Y/n:"Good job."I said as i put her in my lap.

Gigi walked over and hit my shoulder playfully making me grab her waist and pull her down to seat on my lap.Khai went to play with her toys that i just bought her on the floor.

Gigi:"Yes?"She asks making me send her a wink which made her laugh.

I kissed her neck and bit down on her shoulder making her let out a whimper.I move my hands up her shirt as i assaulted her neck making her moan into my ear making a tent form in my pants which she seems to notice as she went back and forth on it.

I groan as i bit down on her neck making her moan louder.Before we could continue,Khai started tugging on her mom's shirt making me stop and look at Khai.

Gigi:"Ugh she's calling me not you.Finish what you started."She said making me laugh as i did as i was told.

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