Drug allergic

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Sasuke pov

'Here we are, Yugito again will call with this stupid nickname.....' I thought as I walked into the cafe. But to my surprise, she wasn't there. "Sasuke, your table is in there." One of the workers said as she pointed me to the door. 'The meeting room to clients? Luxury, but why should I? Mom never let me there.....' I thought as I walked to the door.

I opened the door, and everything was flowers. "Hello, Sasuke." I struggled to hear the voice. I turned my head to see Indra! "H-hi, cousin....." I said. "Come and sit down Sasuke." He said. I carefully walked. "Don't worry, here is no Mafioso here. You know our aunt." He said.

"Even that, you could have the weapon here," I said as I was near him. "Like this? *Laugh* Don't worry, it doesn't have any bullets." He said. I just sat on the chair. "What do you want?" I ask. "Talk of course. Mostly Naruko." He said. "We are only colleagues, that's it," I said. "But you maybe have some talk that is interesting." He said, holding the glass.

I don't like what he will talk about Naruko. As I took the glass of tea and made a sip. I suddenly began to cough. " *Laugh like a maniac* How is poison?" He asks. "Poison?!" I shouted. "Don't worry, it is not a deadly one. When I press this button, you will cough with blood." He said as he showed the controller. "You damn rat..." I said. "I take this as a compliment. Now, Naruko. What do you know about her?" He asks.

Indra place

Naruko pov

"I have not expected this...." I said as I was sitting on a chair, a table full of sweets. In front of Indra. "What, doesn't girls like something sweets?" He asks. "If it's not a Mafia boss who gives all this sweet's give you," I said as I held one sweet. "Half of the half is Russian, while the rest is Japanese." He said as I made a bite of the chocolate.

"So, you feeling alright?" He asks. I soon began to feel my body temperature increase. "What o earth, did you lay something on the chocolate?!" I ask as I felt something were going on my hand. "Oh, that. *Chuckle* Just opium, that's it." He said. I was shocked to hear that!

I quickly rolled up the sleeves. And here is the reaction! "You damn Russian heartless rat! I-I'm allergic!" I shouted and blacked out, all because my body temperature was high.


Indra pov

"She will live, I'm more surprised at how hot her body was." The pink-haired doctor said. "What kind of allergy she needs just to her body become that hot and have the hives?" I ask. "Drugs allergy." She said. I just looked at the window where Naruko laying. "How long she will be like that?" I ask. "About, 48 hours. Well, next time look after if there are drugs on the sweets." She said as she walked away. I looked for a while on Naruko before leaving.

Naruko pov

I was sitting on the bed, reading the book. Suddenly the door of my room opened! "Naruko!" My dad shouted as he fell on his knees and his head was on my bed with his hands. Mom was standig inside of my room, tears in her eyes. "We heard everything, we were so worried that we came right away to Tokyo...." Dad said. "S-sorry..." I said. "Sorry to be all behind..." Nagato-ni said as he appeared.

My mom soon came up to me and hugged me. "We are happy you are alive..." Mom said. I just hugged her tightly. "I missed you, mama* (Mostly Russian type of saying, mom)...." I said. "I missed you too dochka." Mom said, calling me daughter in Russian.

"Where is she?!" Heard Aunt's voice. "My leg still hurt, but she is there-" Aunt Mito just hugged me tightly. "I thought I'll lose you, niece...." Auntie said. I just hugged her tightly. " *Pants* We came..." Heard Uncle Hashirama's voice, panting. "Oh my, you sure needed to run fast..." Nagato-ni said. "I don't understand what happened," Tobirama said.

"Nothing hurts you?" Auntie ask as she broke the hug. "No, not now," I said. "Sis, calm down a little...." Dad said, with worry. "Do I need to worry? I don't know what is happening." Hashirama said.

" *Sigh* Was ist um himmels willen passiert... *What happened for god sake....* " Tobirama mumbled. On Deutsch. "Tobirama, if you have something to say. Please not Deutsch." Hashirama said. "Es ist eine Lebensmittelvegiftung. Ich bein allergisch gegen Medikamente. *It is food poisoning. I'm allergic to drugs.* " I said, on Deutsch. "What?! Food poisoning?!" He shouted.

"You can speak Deutsch?!" Auntie asks. "Oh, that's my father..." Dad said. "True, Soviet Union. Back then, you needed to learn the Deutsch." Auntie said. "I just learned it all of the curiosity," I said. "I see. *Sigh* I don't know what you said. It must be you told him about your allergy..." Auntie said.

"She did," Tobirama said. "Now that allergy mentions, I remember on the third school you were forced to each drug till you got that allergy..." Nagato-ni said. "Yea...." I said as I laid back on the bed. Dad just patted my cheek with fingers. " *Sigh* Horrible days....." Auntie said. "At least, fourth was calmer, right?" My dad asks. "Yes, uncle. One bullying and that's it." Nagato-ni said. "I knew about the situations the schools, but this, never..." Tobirama said. "Let us leave now. We'll come and visit you Naruko." Dad said as he stood up and left the room. Everyone. I just laid the thing on my book and turned around, and closed my eyes.

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