Soviet union actress and a formerly Mafia boss

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'Damn it!' I thought as I slammed the table. "Interesting how long you'll take that long?" My grandmother said. "What do you want anyway? Catherine told me that she will kill my mafioso. And right now, that girl is at the hospital. She wasn't at the house! Who could shoot that mafioso?!" I ask my grandmother.

Kaguya Otsutsuki is a famous Russian USSR actress. But she is the founder of my Mafia. My dad and my uncle were a part of the Mafia for a while, but when I and Ashura were born, they quit. But I was interested in the Mafia that I became boss 7 years ago.

"And this is quite to use cameras." She said as she looked at her nails. "And I was stupid enough to give you this role." She said. "You are a mafioso, formerly one. And you too killed many people." I said. "Well, I'm not using Mafioso to get Jinchuriki. I knew what kind of risk it will take. So that's I never attacked them." She said. We just looked for a while before she left.

'Tsk, what she knows?' I thought.

Kaguya pov

"Wie geht es dir? *How are you doing?* " I ask. "Mafioso?" "Ehemaliger. Der Gründer. *The former one. The Founder*" I answered. "Ihr Russen habt gerade meine brüder getötet. *You Russians just killed my brothers*" She said with anger.

"Diese Mafioso habe ich getötet. Ich weiß, dass sie Unschuldige waren. Ich weiß, dass wir sie verwechselt haben. Aber befahl ihnen nicht, sie zu töten. *These mafioso I killed. I know they were innocents. I know we mistook them. But, I did not order them to kill them* " I said. I was about to leave.

"What do you want anyway?" Heard this. "Your ability with shooting," I said with a smile as I turned around. To see Tsukyomi Senju.

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