Going, Going, Gone!

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Brad was a jerk. Everyone in school knew it but they all loved him anyway. Maybe because he was rich and had friends. I'm watching him while in the shade of a tree that Poe and I always meet up at. Brad was laughing with his friends as he pushed a thirteen year old around with his friends. 

"Hey what are you doing?" Poe asks as he walks up to me. 

I look away from Brad to look at Poe "Just waiting for you, and watching this kid grow some trust issues. Hey do you have any food?" 

I grab his backpack and rummage around for a granola bar or candy. 

Poe looked over at the kid an scowled "How long have they been doing that?!" 

I shrug as I bite into a candy bar I found. "Three minutes maybe." 

Poe looked at me and frowned "Why haven't you stopped them yet?" 

I give him a look with a raised eyebrow "Really? What for? Brads' just gonna pick it up again tomorrow morning and just add us to his bully list." 

Poe scowled and adjusted his glasses "I'm going to stop him" He then started to stride over to Brad. My eyes widen and I whip my head around to look at him. 

"What are you doing?! No, no, no this is a terrible idea!" I say quickly as I jump up and teleport in front of him. 

He frowned at me and crossed his arms. "You realize if you just sit and watch you're just as bad as Brad right?" 

I scoffed "Don't compare me to him, we're nothing alike"  

Poe gave me a testing look and said "Prove it then" He then stepped around me and stomped up to Brad. 

Was he crazy? Didn't he understand the problem with that? Brad with all of his basketball friends against us is a very bad idea! But Poe was marching over and I can't leave Poe alone to get beaten up. 

I groan annoyed before turning and jogging up beside Poe. 

"I hate you" I mutter. 

"I know but you owe me for that candy bar" He responds. 

"Let me do the talking at least" I say before saddling up to Brad who was tossing the kid's backpack between his friends. I reach up and catch the backpack before it can land in the hands of Brad's friend. "Hey Tom how's it going?" I say while smiling at Brad and simultaneously shoving the backpack to Poe.  

Brad scowls at me "What? I'm not Tom" 

I laugh "Sure you are! Remember Tom we would go to the mall to spy on that guy with the beard? Good times am I right?" I put mt arm around his shoulders and clap my hand over his shoulder like we were long lost buddies "So funny to see you here, honestly I thought you moved back to Switzerland!" 

Brad shoved me off of him laughed "I don't know who this Tom guy is but if you don't get your hands off me I'll punch your face in" 

I fake a gasp and look at Poe "Winston, I think Tom's amnesia kicked in again." 

Brad's friends started to snicker a little as Winston/Poe shakes his head sorrowfully. 

"It happens to the best of them I'll tell ya" I mutter before turning back to Brad "Don't worry about it Tom, grandma is ninety-five but I think she still has the picture album." 

Brad shoved me back and I stumble a little in surprise. 

"Listen kid, I'm not whoever you think I am, so you better just get out of my face!" Brad huffs. 

I fake realization then turn to Poe "Winston! I think we got the wrong person! Here I thought we were talking to Tom when really it's just a stranger. How funny they both have the same forehead and buggy eyes" 

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