Hero Up!

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I teleported to my car and ripped the duffel bag open. I immediately heard screaming and held my outfit out then teleported into it. (A trick Poe and I found out I could do after a talent show we participated in once.)

I pull the mask over my face and turned then saw the robots moving forward towards the crowd. 

Lex looked shocked as the robots stepped towards the screaming crowd again. The superman robot's eyes lit up in red. 

Oops, I forgot they had their own personal powers. 

With a puff of smoke I was on top of the robots head. It paused when it sensed me on it. I rip the panel in it's head open. I've seen Batman do this plenty of times and then he reached in and cut all the wires and jumped off quickly before the head blew up. It never blew up in multiple pieces but just one heavy metal part. 

I grab a handful of wires and rip them out then teleport away, guess where the head is gonna land and see that that is where a kid is. 

Honestly! Who brings their kid to any type of robot special revealing?! 

I teleport over to the kid and hear the pop of the head. It made a whizzing sound as it came right for us. I grab the kid in a tight hug and teleport away. I reform next to a bench and sit the girl down. 

"Stay here and wait for your mom" I instruct. 

"Hey! Get the Green Lantern one!" Time Drake's voice said. I turn and see Tim Drake grabbing people and ushering them away. He's great at crowd control! 

Suddenly a green ball forms around me and lifts me in the sky. 

"Hero not in database." The automatic voice says. 

I almost smile. "Force fields don't work on me" I say half giddy before I teleport out of the bubble and onto the robots head. I do the same thing that I did to the Superman one but felt the robot fighting back a little more. 

I take the wires off, teleport away, and watch it fall, only, it fell towards Lex Luther. 

For a millisecond I thought about letting nature just do its course but than I realized that in Lex's hand was literally the remote to the whole show! 

I form next to Lex, grab his shirt, and we're gone again. 

I form under a tree and he gasps. 

"Who are you?" He asks. 

"I suggest you don't talk, it brings up throw up after a jump" I say as I snatch the remote out of his hand and turn. 

Sure enough Lex's face turns green and he turns then throws up. 

If I had held him tighter he probably wouldn't have thrown up but I'm not really owing him any favors. 

I look at the remote and suddenly wish I had paid a lot more attention to what he was doing before this went down. 

"Where is the off button on this stupid thing?" I growl. 

Lex wipes his face and frowns at me. "There isn't one" 

Maybe not but there always is some way to turn something off! I lift the remote and smash it against the floor. 

A loud humming sound happened again and I saw the robots fall. A few stupid people were still standing around though and weren't moving even as all these huge robots came crashing down. 

I can't move them all in time but maybe I can move the robots. 

I teleport forward and flip onto my side then kick one and send it teleporting away. I back flip over to another that was coming towards a group of paparazzi who were still taking pictures. I got that one to teleport a few feet to the right, smashing into another robot which tips over to the side rather than humans. 

I reform on the stage and am panting slightly, even with the medicine literally being pumped into my lungs. Everything is quiet as the crowd, some hiding behind their chairs and trees, all stare at me. 

I see the microphone still on it's stand and walk over. I grab it's stand and lean it towards me. 

"You sure you don't need heroes Lex?" I say through the microphone while staring at him. My voice comes out onto the speakers and everyone suddenly cheers. Lex Luther looks furious and disheveled at the same time before he turned and his assistants flocked around him. 

"What is your name?!" A reporter yelled at me. 

I see Anthony beside the car and his pointed look. 

"Zip." I respond before teleporting away again. 

I reform in the car and Anthony hands me my clothes back. "Get back into your clothes and get back out there! The media needs to see that you were also there!" 

I change and teleport back to the wreck while ruffling my hair and disheveling my clothes a little. I tap the reporter's shoulder who asked me what my hero name was. The reporter spun around and so did the camera. 

"Who was that?" I ask, sounding dumb. 

"His name is Zip and I'll bet you anything he's a new hero! Did you see how he moved, no other hero moves like that!" He exclaimed before he started yelling at his camera man to get shots of the wreck. 

"Hey! You okay?!" Tim asked as he jogged over to me. 

"Yeah," I say breathlessly. I grab my inhaler out of my pocket and use it. I actually did need to use it because I forgot I was allowed to breath after teleporting now but the action really sold the whole 'I almost died' look. 

Tim nodded "Did you see that guy? He was teleporting!" He exclaimed. 

"Crazy" I say as I feel a wave of absolute hunger crash over to me. 

Tim ran over to Dick Grayson to say something as Anthony walked back over to me. 

"Are you okay? You look horrible like you weren't the person who just saved all those lives" Anthony said. 

"Do you have a snack bar or something? I'm dying here! Teleporting makes my metabolism go into turbo speed and I forgot to bring a snack." 

"No I don't have anything but I'll start backing them for you." Anthony says. 

"Ugh! I'm about to eat one of these sandwiches off the floor!" I groan. 

"Come on, let's get you some food." He said as he led me to the car. 

I followed him over to the car but on my way saw  a woman calling out for a girl's name. 

I tap the woman on the shoulder and she turns to see me. 

"Do your daughter have curly blonde hair in pigtails?" I ask. 

She nods and I turn and point to the bench the girl was still sitting on. "That hero set her there after saving her from almost being crushed." 

Just tooting my own horn here for a second. 

"Thank you!" The woman gasps before running off to the kid. 

I see her hug her daughter and feel a twang in my stomach. 

"Are you okay?" Anthony asks. 

I turn away from the happy family. "Yep! Just hungry! Let's go" I say as I run to the car. 

This is a shorty but I'm posting it the same day as the last chapter so good for me and good for you guys for getting to read a bunch of my stuff in one day! Question for the readers, what should Wyatt's middle name be? I haven't decided yet and wanted to read your take on it! 

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