Being Kidnapped While I Can Teleport Doesn't Hold Any Weight.

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My legs still hurt. 

My head was throbbing now also and my eyes were having trouble focusing on anything. 

"Is he already waking? He should have been out for a day at least!" A voice says behind me. 

I blink then snort at that. "Yeah sorry, drugs don't work long on me! I was born with heroine in my system and spent my first week alive in rehab with my mom! So if that's anything to you I'd write it down." 

I could feel that my mask was still on me and nothing was removed. I guess they didn't have time. I was tied to a table that was upright with straps holding my hands and ankles down. Well, that's not gonna hold me! 

A man and woman in lab coats walk in front of me and look at me. 

"You're awake I see" The woman says. 

I squint at her name tag "Yes, Sharon. I'm awake. I was before you clogged me in the back of the head too so if this is one of those things where you want to have a talk with me about something stupid than I'm gonna be ticked that you couldn't have just asked me out for coffee!" 

"We're big fans of how your power works. Care to enlighten us?" The man asked. 

I raise an eyebrow. "Enlighten you? What, you couldn't wait for the Jimmy Fallon interview? You're that big of fans that you'd kidnap me?"

"You sound young" The woman said. 

"Why, thank you! I haven't gotten that comment since I was a wee boy!" I say. 

"He's male, brown hair, and 5'6." The man relayed. 

"Ooh, you just snatched that 'Greatest Detective' label from Batman!" I say with an eye roll. 

The woman glared at me. 

"We have every intention of figuring out your power." She says. 

"Well get in line." I chuckle.

She lifts a needle and walks towards me while the guy holds what looks like a collar. I get the feeling the collar takes stops my powers from being used.

"Oh okay, see I don't do needles unless I'm unconscious." I say as she gets closer. I narrow my eyes at her. "Okay, you're not slowing so I'm assuming you're not listening."

I blink and we teleport swap.

I don't remember if I mentioned this but teleport swapping is when Wyatt  swaps places with where a person is standing and they appear where he was last.

I reform and catch the syringe she wasn't holding onto tight enough to go with her.

She gasps as suddenly she's the one in chains.

"You listening now?" I ask her with a smirk.

She looks at the male scientist who starts running for the doors.

I teleport in front of him while holding the syringe up.

"Now let's not go running!" I exclaim loudly.

The guy gasps and backs up.

I push Jim down into his wheelie chair and look at the two of them.

"You look like you're in charge. I want to know why you kidnapped me and I want to know now." I say at Sharon. I put the syringe at the guy's neck. "Otherwise I'm gonna stick this thing in his neck. Careful, I got a C in science in middle school."

The man gasped as the needle pricked his skin.

"Lex ordered it!" Sharon yelled in a panicked voice.

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