Move Around and Punch the Air.

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"Dude this is so cool!" Poe exclaimed as he ran around my new penthouse. 

I beam and puff my chest in pride. "Yeah it is! and check out the view!" I run over to the glass doors and walk out onto the huge balcony I also had. 

Poe ran over and grabbed the railing. "If I jumped would you be able to teleport me back up?" He asked. 

I think for a second then shrug. "Well, maybe. Wanna try?" 

Poe grinned. "Heck yeah!" He started to climb over the railing but Anthony ran over. 

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Anthony gasped as he grabbed Poe and pulled him back over the railing. "We are not testing that out without certain requirements!" He sighed and muttered "Like a net and Superman." 

Poe and I frowned. 

"Fine, check out the bed though, You can jump so freaking high!" I exclaim. 

Poe ran after me and Anthony groaned. "If I had known you two were energy addicts over sugar I would never have allowed the stop at Starbucks." 

After he tried to round us up for ten minutes he finally succeeded. 

"Okay, the penthouse has everything you required." Anthony said. "The balcony so you can teleport to any building in Metropolis with a look, the room with security cameras of the city in case you wanted to teleport to the ground quickly, the kitchen that gets restocked every week with snacks, not food." He gave me a chastening look before going on. 

Anthony didn't like the idea of my house only being filled with snacks rather than real food. I did't want really food because I took most of my meals at Poe's house anyway. 

Poe was my best friend and his parents have been fantastic to me as well so I made sure that Anthony supported them with enough money that they can live comfortably. I wanted to give them a lot more but my aunt and uncle refused because everything they did for me was out of family love. 

Anthony also enrolled Poe in the same private school as me when I complained about being alone. Apparently I couldn't stay in the same public school as I was in before. Unfortunately school was starting soon too. I'm really not looking forward to that. 

Moving out was easier than I thought. I took all of my bed covers and pillows and packed everything in a box then left. My parents had a lot to say about it and probably hated me now but they couldn't really touch me in a good argument because of all the lawyers Anthony flexed on them. I just left and that was it. Apparently, if you have money than moving out is a breeze. I really didn't do anything other  than spend a few nights with Poe before moving in. Today was the final look around. 

"Did you already move all of your stuff here?" Poe asked me. 

I nod "Yeah, it's in a box under the bed." 

Anthony walked into my bedroom and opened my closet. He scowled. "Where is all of your clothes?" 

I look over and frown. "What do you mean? That's it!" 

I had a sweater, three shirts, two pairs of jeans, the suit I wore once, and sneakers that I was currently wearing. 

"Where's all of your under garments?" Anthony asked in shock. 

Poe snorted. "We used them for parachutes for our army men two years ago! Never really got them to fly though" 

I nod "Yeah, I've had three pairs in a cycle ever since than." 

Anthony sighed and turned to his clipboard to scribble something down. 

"Right, get new clothes." He mumbled to himself. 

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