Freak It Out

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"Wyatt you're a freaking millionaire!" Poe screamed. 

I felt the world in slow motion and got to look around for a second. Looking at Poe I realized how different we were. Our faces wore two completely different expressions. His was of excitement and exhilaration while mine slowly fell into disbelief and panic. 

"My best friend is amazing!" Poe continued to scream as he jumped around the room. "You work with the Justice League AND you're a millionaire, this is awesome!" 

I snapped back to reality and teleported in front of him to grab his arms to stop him from flailing around. 

"No, no, no, no!" I say quickly. 

"What? What do you mean 'no'?" Poe asks in confusion. 

I rip the lottery card out of his hand and say "I mean no! We can't do that! Poe, my family doesn't know about this and I'm fifteen! They won't even let me except the prize anyway so just calm down!" 

Poe scoffs "Well first off, what parents don't want their son to be a millionaire? Secondly, you can accept the prize as long as the card was a gift." 

"But it wasn't!" I reply "It fell out of that guy's pocket!" 

He shrugs "So? They don't know that. We'll say some random guy gave it to you for breaking your phone and ran off. That's basically what happened anyway!" 

He walks away and I stand there and scoff. "What happened to my noble and heroic friend?" I ask as I turn "The one who wants us to stick up for every middle schooler that comes across our path." 

Poe rolls his eyes "Wyatt, this isn't middle school, this is real life! And if you ask me this is karma." 

"I don't believe in karma" I grumble as I open his friend to see what's inside. 

He shrugged carelessly. "Fine, call it what you want but answer me this" He closed the fridge door. "Would you have wanted that jerk to get the million dollars?" 

There's nothing in his fridge and so I'm hungry and conflicted! 

"Well, no" I mutter. 

"Well there you go!" Poe exclaims as he pulls me away from the fridge to hold my at arms length. His eyes bore into mine in excitement. "This is an opportunity you can't pass up Wyatt! Just think about it" He put his arm around my shoulders and flourished at the ceiling. "Free college, heck you could skip college if you wanted! Endless supply of soda and snacks at your disposable, trips anywhere you want, first class seats, you can do anything you want to do as long as you have money!" 

I groan and roll my head around the ceiling, my argument slightly cracking. 

"Why can't you just claim the ticket?" I ask as I shove the card into his chest. 

He catches it before it falls. "Are you kidding? No way! My parents would never let me get away with that! I'd be grounded for life!" 

I smirk at him "You just said any parent would be happy their son is a millionaire." 

Poe rolls his eyes "Any parent except for mine." He handed the card back to me and grinned. "Come on man, just do it!" 

I look at the card and at the TV that shows the number you call when you win. 

"Okay, how much even is this jackpot?" I ask "Because I'm gonna be in trouble with the Justice League for being down here, and as soon as my parents get back it'll get a lot more confusing." I look at him "So this money better be worth it!" 

Poe smirks "Two hundred twenty-five million dollars" 

My mouth drops open as I stare at him in disbelief. He just smirks at me. 

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