A Talk From A Role Model

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I went everywhere that day.

Hawaii, the pyramids, and so many cities! I ended up in Gotham, the city that expressed my feelings at the time the most. I don't know why I came here, I only became more depressed and mucky. I felt like such a huge loser who was an idiot.

So here I am, literally in Batman's city, hiding from Batman!

I don't know, I just hate life right now. It's so complicated and stressful. So I've been reminiscing memories when my biggest problem I had was what movie to watch with Poe. Now my problems consisted of lottery money, family, justice league, and Lex Luthor!


I decided to let it all out and scream. I yell into the darkness and smokey skies until my throat goes raw.

I finally stop and glumly look down at the streets before lifting my inhaler and  taking a strong inhale.

"Hey kid, you okay?" A male voice said behind me.

I turn, expecting to see a jumper or something but I don't. Instead I see Nightwing.

My eyes widen and jump up.

"HOLY-you're Nightwing! Oh my gosh, is this your roof? I'm sorry, I can leave" I say quickly, ready to teleport away but he chuckles.

"No, don't leave. I don't own any roofs, it's Gotham for Pete's sake. I just heard you screaming at the top of your lungs and thought you were being murdered." He said before raising an insanely cool eyebrow. "Were you?"

I shake my head "No, I'm sorry I forgot that there were other heroes here other than Batman." 

Nightwing shrugs "We're called vigilantes but heroes work!" He crossed his arms and leaned against one of those huge vent blocks. "So, mind if I ask why you were screaming at the top of your lungs?" 

I don't know if I should tell him but at this point why not? My life was already screwed up, what's a little more? 

"Well" I start as I inhale deeply and speak quickly "I have this power to teleport and one day the Justice League found out that I know what's going on with Lex Luthor and they forced me to join them so I went through all of this really painful training even though I don't want to be a hero but just a normal stupid teenager.  After that I escaped the Watch Tower and had a fun day with my bed friend but then some jerk bumped into me and broke my phone but left behind a lottery card that I actually put into the lottery and I actually won but that brought the attention of Batman to me so he drove all the way to Metropolis to scare me half to death and force me to actually go get my winnings" I laugh but nothing is funny "But I have this social anxiety when it comes to crowds and so I froze up on TV and looked stupid and I got so stressed that instead of going with Batman I literally teleported away from him and went to six cities, Hawaii, pyramids, and ended here! Then I just realized that my entire alcoholic family is away on vacation but when they come back they're gonna hear one heck of a story right?!" I inhale deeply and drop to sit down on my heels and hold my arms, the bulge of my inhaler in my pocket stabs into my thigh. "And I have asthma and need to get a refill soon unless I want to freaking die but I don't want to do any of that!" I rub my eyes, that were watering with stressed tears. "I can't decide if I want to laugh at the chaos or cry so I just screamed but I forgot that you actually have important things to do and I'm sorry I ruined your night or whatever." 

There's silence before Nightwing exhales "Phew, that's a lot of stuff!" I heard soft footsteps before he crouched down next to me. "Listen, I don't know who you are but I do know that you're still a kid and I'm sorry you're going through all of this very complicated stuff." He put a hand on me which felt oddly nice. "But hey, running from your problems isn't the answer. I know it's easier but you're just pushing it for later so eventually the stress of dealing with it is going to add up and just feel worse." 

"I know" I groan through my arms before I finally look up at him. "But I don't know how to deal with it! I ran away from Batman so he's going to be ticked at me and ugh I don't want a lot of stupid money!" 

Nightwing laughed "I'll take it if you want" 

I crack a smile at him "That would solve a lot of problems" 

We both laugh a little before he stands up with me. 

"Listen," He starts "Why don't you make a list of things you've always wanted to do and do it before heading back?" 

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Like when Jariaya took Naruto to all those fun places before kicking him into the void?" 

Nightwing opened his mouth then shrugged and said "Sure" 

I sigh then think. "I've always wanted to go on a roller coaster." 

Nightwing smiled "Than go do that!" 

A small grin grows over my face "Okay, yeah I'll do that!" I smile at him "Thanks, and sorry I wasted your time here." 

Nightwing shrugged "It's not a waste of time. It's a hero's job to keep people from jumping off of roof tops." He waved as me before awesomely swinging away. 

I smile until his words settled in. "What?" I ask before yelling "I'm not suicidal!!!!!" But he was already gone. 

I roll my eyes then check the time. It's two am, where would a roller coaster be open? Well, Japan has roller coasters. 

My mind was made up, I would go to Japan, ride a roller coaster, and come back to deal with all this crap! 

I close my eyes tightly then think of a street I walked before. Without a second thought I was gone. 

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