Sober Up

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"What are you doing here?" Anthony asks as he flicks the light on.

I look up from my papers and see him.

"Oh Anthony! I'm glad you finally came!" I exclaim.

"Finally? It's eight am. What are you doing?" He asks as he walks over to my desk.

"Well we've been trying to get my money in order and figure out how to move out." I say.

"We've?" Anthony repeats questioningly.

"Yeah, Poe fell asleep an hour ago though." I say right as one of Poe's louder snores wakes him up.

Poe snorted and opened his eyes, pushing the binders and papers off of his body.

"Oh, hey Anthony." Poe mumbles as he wipes his saliva from his mouth.

"Hello Poe." Anthony greets quickly before looking back at me and sighing. "You want to move out?" He asks.

"Actually I wanted to send my parents on a permanent vacation and just not go with them." I explain.

Anthony frowned, not following.

"He wants to move his parents to a Hawaii mansion so they can't keep asking for money." Poe clarifies as he rubs his temples like he has a headache.

Thor's loud yawn broke the silence as he woke up from his nap to roll over.

"And where would you be staying?" Anthony asks.

"Um, Im thinking I'd just live here." I say. "Or with Poe. Maybe a shack on the streets or something."

Anthony started to laugh and then continued until it was weird.

He wiped his tears and chuckled. "Wyatt, you could afford to buy Metropolis if you wanted. Getting yourself a penthouse or something is not hard!"

I frown "Oh, really?"

Poe scratched his head "I thought he'd go broke after that one mansion or something."

Anthony sighed with a smile as he grabbed a notebook and wrote down a number.

"See if you had this much you'd go broke after one mansion." He said "Luckily you actually have this much." He kept adding zeros and our eyes widened.

He turned back to look at us "So if you want to send your parents on a permanent vacation and live on your own than that'd your business and you can. Technically if you didn't have money you wouldn't be able to move out by yourself but lucky you because you do. And because you invested and did stock you're already making more money. "

Poe looks at me and scowls "Than what am I here for?" He grumbled.

Anthony turned "Emotional support because if his parents don't want to go then moving it is gonna be a lot harder."


I was excited to tell my parents the good news of going to Hawaii!

I hurried back home and walked in the door to see my parents arguing in the other room.

My heart dropped.

"I WANT A DIVORCE!" my mother screamed in a drunken slur.

"Than go you old hag!!" Dad yelled back.

I guess they've been drinking as much as they could afford.

Ugh, I'm too tired for this.

I walk to the kitchen and look for something. I don't know what I'm looking for but I'm looking for it. I grab the grape juice and drink it straight from the container.

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