The Most Violent Wake Up Of My Life

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I never dream. I've never had a dream in my life but tonight I did. I'm not sure if it was the drugs they gave me at Lex Corp or not but something just took me out so hard and I fell into such a deep sleep that I dreamt.

I never get deep sleep. I've always been a slight sleeper because my old house was always very loud and you had to be ready to move in case something was happening.

But tonight I got sleep. Not just heavy sleep but the 'if I slept any harder I would be considered dead' sleep.

I dreamt about one thing and it had a plot.

I could fly and built a cloud castle like you would do in minecraft if minecraft let you build that high. I was a king but was also so hard at work that I couldn't grovel in victory. I just kept making my cloud domain. I didn't get tired but just kept building. At one point it rained and some of my walls fell. But then I built them again. My house also flew. It had wings and flew away. When it flew away I waited for it to come back. It always did.

Then suddenly my cloud haven was melting away and the soft warm colors were suddenly being replaced with a dark cold room and me being shaken by the shoulders.

My vision was blurry with sleep and I felt warm drool still in my cheek. My mouth was still open. My eyelids were heavy and my heating was muffled.

I was confused and tired and not sure where my castle went.

A muffled voice kept repeating my name. That or they were saying 'Riot' over and over again which made sense if I passed out on Gotham's streets. Where even am I? Am I still at home and dad just left for work? Wait, that's too far back. I'm at the Watchtower and Batman is in front of me. Well, Batman IS in front of me. His pointy ears and panicky face was enough for me to recognize but everything else wasn't the Watchtower.

Oh I know! I got back to the penthouse and passed out in bed.

But why is Batman here? As a matter of fact, why is the whole Justice League here?

They were all crowded around my bed as Batman shook me. Why was he shaking me so viciously? It hurt!

"Batman?" I ask in a groggy voice.

"Wyatt! Yes it's me! Are you okay?" His gruff voice was so sharp that it tore into my dizzy tired phase like a sword. It rattled the back of my teeth!

"Yeah" I mutter as my eyes slowly start to close on their own.

"Kid you gotta stay awake!" Flash's voice says.

To open my eyes again was like pushing a bolder up Mount Everest but I guess I'm just that strong.

One eye opened as my body leaned to a side.

"Are you okay? What did Lex do to you?!" Superman exclaimed.

"Lex?" My words drooled out of me as my head started to hurt and my stomach turned from waking up. "He kidnapped me" I say, more to myself to remember but they all heard.

"What?! When? Are you okay?" Wonder Woman exclaimed.

They were all so loud.

"Sshhh" I say Lazily as I lift my finger to my lips.

My stomach flipped again and something was coming up my throat. I felt too weak to stop it though.

I lean off the side of my bed and vomit.

After that it was kind of a blur.

The Justice League sounded like they we're arguing loudly and I can't remember but u think someone picked me up because suddenly I was a lot colder than I was before. When my eyes opened a little I saw the city below me. Far below me.

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