Watching Through The Watchtower

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It was honestly unbelievable that they found out a way to kidnap me and make it feel legal. They're the Justice League, of course the law isn't going to get in the way!

I had tried to say that my parents would be worried but as it turns out Batman had already figured out they're out of town for a while.

It's not like I don't want to hang out with my favorite superheroes but I'm just scared to be fighting crime!

Superman keeps telling me that I won't be fighting bad guys, just helping spy on a few things seeing as I'm already so familiar with Lex Corp's system.

They decided that they would bring me to the Watch Tower. I had no say in this but I gotta admit, I'm slightly excited.

"We need to teleport there so it's gonna feel weird" Superman says as he looks at me.

I laugh "Trust me, I'm used to teleporting."

He nods and says "J'ohn, take us to the Watch Tower"

There was a bright light and suddenly everything is different.

I'm in a tall room and it was all futuristic looking with huge windows to display the outer space.

"This way" Superman says.

I look up and see everyone dispersing except for Superman and Batman. Who are staring at me.

"Good luck Wyatt!" Flash exclaims before running out.

I frown then follow Superman and Batman as they lead me down a hall.

"So this is the Watch Tower!" Superman exclaims.

Batman looms in the shadows and says "You'll be doing your training, eating, and sleeping here."

"Rad" I mutter as they show me rooms where the doors slide open and close again. There were elevators that went to inventions, cafes, training rooms, bathrooms, costumes and uniforms, hacking rooms, and bedrooms. 

We passed other heroes who just greeted us and walked by without a care. It was honestly so unbelievable to me that I was meeting my greatest idols in a matter of minutes! 

Superman ended up being called away and I was left with Batman who showed me a door. "This is where you will be staying" He says. 

My eyes widen "Wait, staying, staying? Like, forever?" 

He frowns at me "As long as we need you." 

"But like, I thought I would be here for like three days or something, I have school, friends, family!"

 I try to put up a good argument for him but he just says "It's the last week of school and therefore you are sick with the flu until further notice, your parents won't be back for a while and even if you are still gone we have arranged that you are on a field trip." 

"What about my friends?" I ask, thinking about how Poe is gonna be freaking out. 

"You have one friend who already knows what's going on. Flash briefed him before we left." Batman replies. 

I stare at him then nod. "Oh, well, I guess you have everything under control than" He nods and clicks a button that lets the doors slide open. I peer in and see a queen sized bed, plain walls, a closet, a window overlooking earth, and a desk. "Well that was underwhelming" I mutter. 

"Your training clothes are in the closet, and there is an intercom in the wall for when we need you. Martian Manhunter will come soon and give you the run down. Until then, change and stay here." Batman says before turning. 

"Oh I had a question!" I say as I turn but the doors are already sliding closed. I frown then teleport in the hallway, right in front of him. 

He frowns at me "What?" He asks annoyed. 

I lifted my phone "Do you guy's have a WiFi password?" 

"Move" He says as he walks past me. 

He walks away and I frown before walking back into my room. 

I turn on my phone and see that I have thousands of texts from Poe asking where I am and if I'm still alive or not. 

I send him a picture of earth and reply that I'm in the Watch tower and am fine. 

He starts spamming me with more messages and I start to reply when suddenly out of the ground a phantom ghost head starts to float up. 

I scream and teleport back before throwing my phone at it. "What the crap!" I exclaim before I realize that it's Martian Manhunter. 

"I'm sorry, I did not know you were so skittish" He says 

I let out a breath and hold my heart. "Jeez, that was terrifying" I mutter. 

He looks at me and says "You are not ready yet" 

I frown "Well, Batman just left and why didn't you use the door? I could have been changing!" 

He walks over to the closet and pulls out a uniform on a hanger. It was a short sleeved one piece suit that was white with blue accenting it. 

"That's my suit?" I ask doubtfully. 

He nods "Yes, it is light and does not tear easily." 

He offers me the suit and I take it. I stare at it for a second before looking back up at him. "It looks like a baby suit." 

Martian Manhunter sighs and walks over to the door. "I will wait outside while you change." 

He floats through the walls and I look back at the suit. How am I supposed to feel like I have privacy if he's allowed to float through walls anytime he likes! 

I throw off my old clothes and pull on the one piece that was more comfortable than it looked. After I finish I stretch a little and do a little karate kick before walking to the door. The door slides open and I see Martian Manhunter talking to Black Canary. 

My eyes widen."Whoa! Black Canary! You're like, my sister's favorite superhero!" I exclaim. 

She looks at me and slightly smiles. "This him?" She asks, 

Martian Manhunter nods "His name is Wyatt Stone." 

She looks me up and down and says "Okay, come on kid, I'm gonna be training you in hand to hand combat." 

My stomach dropped. Black Canary was one of the best heroes in the world at hand to hand combat! I'm gonna be murdered! 

She laughs "Don't worry, I'm training you, not using you as a punching bag." 

I nervously chuckle "Right" I say dryly. 

Martian Manhunter turns to me and holds out this watch bracelet thing. "This is going to beep and tell you exactly what you need to do when you need to do it. It also has a map so you can find your way around."

I take it and put it on my wrist. "Thanks, I bet that's gonna be useful!"

Canary crosses her arms "Alright, time to go. You are on a schedule you know!"

I look back at Martian Manhunter and awkwardly smile "Uh, thanks for everything"

He nods "Good luck, if you need help you can ask anyone around."

I nod "Right, thank you"

I turn and see Canary already walking away. I quickly teleport next to her and she smiles at me "So, are you any good at kicking?"

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