Who Knew I Could Do That?

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"Are you in position?" Batman's rumbling voice asked through the com.

I fidget with the darn thing to make it more comfortable in my ear but this is as good as it gets.

"Yeah." I mutter.

"If you teleport to the back left corner you should be in a blind spot of the building." Batman said.

I scrunch my face as I narrow my eyes at the building.

"No good, there was a new type of camera there before." I say as in inhale deeply and teleport to the right corner of the hall.

"Then you can try the back." Batman said.

I look around the hall and hide behind the wall as the camera passes by me.

"I've done this a few times already Batman, I think I've got it this time." I try to say it as respectfully as possible but he still gets a little annoyed.

"Pardon me, I didn't know you were the greatest detective as well." He said sarcastically.

I teleport away and inside past locked door I once had to break into.

"Bats leave the kid alone he knows what he's doing." Flash's voice says through the com as well.

The league were all connected to my com but weren't flipping around through the building like I was. Flash was nearby in case he had to run in and intervene if something ever happened but for the most part I was completely alone while I had them all arguing in my ear.

"I agree with Batman." Wonder Woman's voice says "Wyatt doesn't know how to do this as well as he thinks. Wyatt, listen to Batman."

"Okay." I mutter.

"First off his hero name is Zip and you should call him by that so no one figures it out." Flash starts "And secondly, Zip is way better at sneaking around than I think any of us are. Zip, go with your instincts."

"If you go with your instincts you could be killed." Batman growled.

"I believe Zip has this under control." Superman chimed in.

Their arguing is throwing me off. "How about we let Zip do his own work without four different people arguing in his ear?" I say annoyed. They all went quiet. "Thank you" I sigh as I look around.

It was a large scientific lab and all the lights were off with pieces of mother boards underneath examination.

The whole thing gave me the heebie jeebies but I walked around anyway.

I find a computer and sit down then start to scroll through what's already on the screen.

It's a lot of insane code and plans for making these machines. There was also a lot of information on the justice league. Some pretty intense stuff and detailed explanation on their weaknesses. It got a little too serious when it explained how to kill all of them.

I close my eyes and turn away to get the thought out of my head.

"What do you see?" Batman asked.

I swallow "A lot of stuff that could really ruin your guys' day." I say as I open my eyes and peer back at the screen.

"Okay, Martian will read your mind to get the information." Batman said simply.

My eyes widen "Wait what?"

Suddenly I felt something in my mind. A very unsettling feeling that ran through every memory I had.

It felt like an invasion of privacy, almost like someone had opened my brain and shifted through the files of memories I had.

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