Full In Or Full Out.... Pick.

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Riding a rollercoaster was short lived because as soon as I got off the coaster, still excited, Superman showed up.

Batman had a tracker on me. Go figures.

I was going to go speeding in the coaster again but instead Superman "escorted" me to the hall of justice where we teleported to the WatchTower.

I thought about teleporting away but decided against it since it would just be exhausting and they'd catch me anyway. I did at least get to go on the rollercoaster once.

So I stayed silent and didn't talk to Superman while he lectured me. I was trying to remember every exhilarating loop I had gone through. Soon he noticed how quiet I was being and frowned while we walked into the Hall of Justice.

"What's wrong?" He asked, concern on his face.

What's wrong? Ha! What isn't?! This whole thing is screwed up and all I want to do is disappear but hey! At least I got to do something fun before any of this crap happened all over again.

I didn't answer him as we teleported to the Watch Tower where he walked me to the large meeting room where all of the Justice Leaguers were.

Everyone talked and argued about what should happen to me. I mean, it was only my life but I shouldn't have a say because that would be ridiculous!

I stood there, hands in my pockets, gazing off into the void of nothingness while they argued.

My stomach had dine flips when I was on the Rollercoaster and I wanted to do it again. I've never been on a Rollercoaster before and it lived up to everything I had wanted to do!

I spaced out for about an hour before Wonder Woman turns to me.

"Do you know what you've done?" She asked.

My eyes slowly look back at her as I stare. A slow smile crept on my face. "I went on a Rollercoaster in Japan, is that against the law?"

"You don't realize the problems you've caused do you?" Green Arrow asked.

All of the questions shot at me were rhetorical, I only assumed this was too so I didn't say anything.

"He's been silent ever since I found him." Superman said

"Is he hurt?" Flash asked.

"Wyatt are you okay?" Cyborg asked.

I look away and laugh through my nose even though my instincts were to throw a tantrum. I've been known to be a little childish and I wanted to show them just how childish I could be but I decided against it. It'd only make things worse. Why am I even acting this way? Why can't I man up and just be a stupid superhero for them? That's all they want don't they?

Oh wait, I haven't slept in a good twenty-four hours or more. That makes sense, I get weird when I'm tired and emotional. I almost become emotionless.

"He doesn't want to talk then that's fine." Batman said with a scowl. "He needs to fix this though."

"Wyatt you can't keep running away." Aquaman said.

"Yeah" Green Lantern chimed in.

I laugh then look at them "What would you have me do?" I ask as I look at all of them with a smile of annoyance. "All the world knows me for is some dumb kid who turned in a lottery ticket and won. It'll all be brushed under the rug next time Darkside attacks or something." I shrug "I don't see what the big deal is."

"Of course you wouldn't, you're a kid." Sighed Batman.

My smile drops and I finally set my glare on him. "Exactly." I say "I am just a kid. I'm supposed to be watching stupid movies with my best friend then going home to kick a ball around even though I know it's pointless! Instead I'm suddenly being forced to spy on Lex Luthor one of the most dangerous men in the world and expected be a fully planned outt multi millionaire!" I breath heavily in my anger. "I'm sorry if all the work I put in isn't enough for trained superhero adults like yourselves but maybe if you stop putting the world on a kid's back and shoulder your own problems than there wouldn't be any mistakes now would there Justice League?"

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