I've Got This...Right?

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"That was so embarrassing" I groan as I turn off my TV and roll over in bed.

Poe was sitting in my wheelie chair chewing on chips while watching.

"It wasn't that bad" Poe says.

"Well it's everywhere and I'm sure it was 'that bad'."

He shrugged "Oh well, at least people can't say you don't get out."

"What was I even talking about?" I ask myself as I see it popping up on YouTube when I open my phone.

"Well you talked about saving random animals and I think you were trying to guess what the charity was for." Poe said.

I get up "How was I supposed to know it was for kids with cancer?"

Poe frowned "There were posters everywhere Wyatt. How did you not know is the question."

I throw a pillow at him and walk away. 

There is a knock at the penthouse door and I walk over, opening it, expecting to see Anthony but instead seeing a man with a mail hat on his head. 

"You Wyatt Bennett?" He asked. 

I nod and he hands me a clipboard. "Please sign for this" He says. 

I take the clipboard and pen then look past him at the big box in confusion. I sign the clipboard and the man pushes the big box into the room. 

"Thanks but I got it from here" I say. 

The man shrugged and walked away. 

Poe walked over to me and closed the door behind me. "What is it?" He asked. 

"I don't know" I reply. 

"Well what did you order?" He asks, looking over my shoulder. 

I pause and frown at him. "How would I know if I don't even know what it is?!" 

Poe rolled his eyes as I pull my knife out of my pocket and cut the tape. 

"Wait!" Poe exclaims. 

"What?" I ask annoyed. 

He walked around the box. "What if it's a bomb?" 

I look at the box and see it's from China. "From China?" I ask him doubtfully. 

"You never know" He says. 

"I think I know this time." I say with an eye roll before finishing cutting the box open. 

We both peer in and then I laugh. 

"Oh! I forgot about these!" I exclaim as I reach in and take the clear package. 

"What is it?" Poe asks curiously. 

I rip open one of the packages and pull out my Captain America themed sweater. "First thing I ordered when I got my money was a bunch of sweaters designed as characters and stuff! I got Marvel, comics, and anime themed hoodies." 

"Marvel? Like the comics?" 

"No like marveling the sky... Yes like the comics!" I reply.

I start ripping them open. "Ho ho! Oh yeah!" I laugh as I pull out a Deku hoodie. 

I am well aware that the timeline is all wrong but work with me here. 

We start ripping them open and finding all sorts of cool things I bought. 

"Dude you even got themed shoes and watches!" Poe laughed. He paused then looked at me "You are such a nerd!"

I roll my eyes "Shut up! You know you like it!"

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