|| COUSIN ||

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Naina's POV


I've heard this name before.. That dream guy!!?

"How the fuck is that possible!?" He looks exactly the same.

"Nah it can't be" I mumbled."Control Naina!"I slapped myself lightly.

"What is possible?" jungkook asked.

"What can't be?" jimin added.

"Ahh nothing." I smiled.embarrassed.

"Is it about me?" jimin smirked.

"Hyung!" jungkook smacked his shoulders. Jimin laughed.

"Hey guys lets go to the cafe?" I asked them. The two heads nodded.

I laughed at their reaction.

"What's funny?" both said at the same time. Looked at each other then laughed.


"What would you like to have?" I asked looking at the menu.

"Coconut bubble tea!" both replied.

"I guess you guys know each other very well. You have many things in common." I smiled.

"Ofcourse! we are living together from past 4 years." jimin replied.

I saw jungkook's smile fading.

"You live together?" I asked in surprise.

"What do you mean? you live with jungkook? but I never saw you and..he never told me about you." I was so confused.What else he's hiding from me!?

"Didn't he told you that he's in namjoon's mafia grou-" jungkook cut off jimin by putting a toast in his mouth.

"Hey jungkook!" jimin mumbled with toast in his mouth.

Jungkook's POV

"Hyung.. she don't know about anything she'll be so confused and scared."

"What if she left me After knowing that I belong to a mafia klan?"

"I didn't want to let her know"

"For now atleast.." I sighed.

Jimin was staring me in shock.

I turned to face Naina. She was staring at me with her watery eyes.

My eyes grew wide at the thought that she heard me.


"Stop it jungkook" she said.

"Naina please let me explain" I pleaded her.

"I will" she said in a calm but broken tone.

"You know what? You don't have to hide things from me.You think i'll leave you just because you belong to a mafia?"

"Its not a big deal" she said smiling.

"I-i was scared" I said.

Then she hugged me.I hugged her back sobbing in her shoulder.

"You don't have to.." she said.

"Hey both of you! I am here too." jimin said and I pulled off.


"Umm.. so you said you guys live together?"she asked and we nodded.

"where?" She asked.

Jimin looked at me for confirmation to answer. I nodded.

"We live in Namjoon's mansion" jimin said.

"Who's he?" She asked.

"He's our klan's leader" I said.

"But what about the apartment you live in?" She asked looking at me and sipping her drink.

"He's in a holiday which is going to end today. He'll be working from tommorow." Jimin added.

"Gosh jungkook!" She frowned.

"S-sorry.." I sighed.


We drank our bubble teas and left the cafe. I dropped Naina and we drove to the mansion.

"You should have told her earlier." jimin patted my shoulder. I hummed.

After entering I saw hoseok at door waiting for us.

"Hey hoseok what happened?looks like you want to say something" I asked him.

"There's a meeting in 20mins you should get ready its important." hoseok said. Jimin and I nodded.


"Everyone, we're having a new member!" Namjoon blutered out.

"What?" Several voice added. Everyone whispering each other.

"I said we are having a new member and her name is SUNG NAINA!" Namjoon said with a high voice.

I gasped. Jimin looked at me with wide eyes.

"Isn't she jungkook's best friend?" Yoongi added and everyone's eyes was on me then back to joon.

"Yeah she is. But not only his best friend. She is my COUSIN."


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