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A couple of hours later

I fell onto my bed and rubbed my eyes. I couldn't believe that in a couple of days i'll be on my first mission. I was so exited and nervous at the same time. My heart started pounding at my thoughts.

What if I die?

What if I never got to see bangtan anymore?

My thoughts stopped when someone knocked the door.

"Naina can I come in!?"
It was jungkook.

"Yes you can!" I shouted back.

He opened the door and I patted the space on the bed next to me.

"Are you nervous?" He asked looking at me.

"Yeah but i'm exited more." I replied.

"Hh don't feel negative ok?" He patted the back of my head and smiled.

"Thanks. I won't." I smiled.

"Well I came to ask you something. Since you are now an official member. Yoongi told me to bring you for some training." He said.

"Training? It will be good with me!" I replied excitedly.

"Okay then. Lets go tommorow morning after breakfast." He smiled and I waved at him as he left.

Next day

I got downstairs to go get me some breakfast. I walked towards the kitchen, opened the fridge and took out a sandwich.

"Oh good morning!"

I jumped back and yelped dropping the sandwich.

"Pfffft ahahahaha did I." he laughed
"Did I scared you that badly? if yes i'm sorry ahahaha"

I turned around to see who's exactly standing behind me.

It was seokjin.

"Oh-erm no its ok, I just didn't thought someone would come here at this time." I smiled nervously.

"Its 10:30 though.." He said.

"Huh? Oh well I umm.." I stuttered from embarrassment. Seriously? What's with this guys embarrassing me?

Seokjin stepped towards me and then right at my front.

"Haha sorry if i'm embarrassing you." He bent down and picked up the sandwich. I just looked at him and lifted an eyebrow.

"Well this isn't edible anymore." seokjin sighed.

"I'm so sorry!!" I rapidly replied scrunching my nose.

He shook his head and said I shouldn't worry about it.

"I'll make another one for you." he smiled.

"N-no I dropped it.I will make!"

"I told you its fine, I make breakfast for the boys anyways"

•𝚃𝙴𝙰𝚁𝚂 𝙾𝙵 𝙱𝙻𝙰𝙳𝙴//𝙹𝚄𝙽𝙶𝙺𝙾𝙾𝙺•Where stories live. Discover now