|| TASK ||

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One week later

I got up from my bed and dressed into a casual shirt and pair of jeans.

Today was first day of me at one of bangtan's meetings. I was looking forward to it. The last week namjoon advised me to stay out of missions and adjust my surroundings. But finally I can join them.

I opened my bedroom door and hoseok was walking by.

"Oh hey Naina you excited?" He smiled.

"Yep!! I can't wait to go on a mission!" I replied punching the air.

"Well then i'll be off. Remember not to be late."

"I won't." I said putting my hands on my hips.

Hoseok walked away downstairs, before I made the same way. I went to the room right at the end. I haven't been there yet but jimin told me to go there before meeting.

I walked over and clutched the door handle.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

"Ah Naina!wait a second!"

"Umm sure.."

I wonder what's going on..

The door handle turned slowly revealing jimin standing by.

He looked down at me and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Er...hi?" I said nervously.

His expression was hard to read.

In seconds jimin bent down and was face to face with me.

I felt my cheeks burn up. He was way too close.

I took a step back but then he took a step forward.

"Uhhh j-jimin is something wrong?" I managed to make out.

His eye widened and he shook his head taking a step back.

"No..nothing's wrong.s-sorry.we should get going..we'll be late."

He walked past me. As soon as he left I covered my face.

"What just happened?" I mumbled.

During the time namjoon told me to take it easy. I met jimin a few times and we didn't do much,just talk about ourselves and would play games around.

I wasn't expecting that.

What's with him? what's he thinking? I should worry about it later.

I walked down through stairs and to my amazing luck. I slipped.


Someone was holding me from under my arms.

I stood up and turned to see who was holding me.

"You need to watch out next time, I'm not always gonna be there to save you.."

His voice was deep which was very calming and seemed so familiar.He..He is Taehyung.

"Heyy..Taehyung" I smiled looking at him. I never observed before but he had black fluffy hair and deep brown eyes.

"Hey Naina. I remember you" He showed his boxy smile. 𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘦

"Long time no see..why didn't you met me after?" I asked him.

"I was busy and I didn't prefer to go out without any mission." He replied smiling.

"You've changed a lot.." I said.

"You too."

I poked his cheeks and he laughed.

"Uh we'll be late lets go." He said looking at his wrist watch.

I followed him behind.

Once we were down stairs we walked towards the vast main room where the meeting were held.

As I entered I saw hoseok, who mouthed me to sit next to him.

On my left was hoseok and on my right was taehyung. I looked at him to get a closer glimpse of him. He changed a lot. He had a perfectly shaped face. From the shape of his face to the proportionality of his features.He was 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘶𝘭. But he must have realised that someone is staring him as he was glaring directly at me.

I quickly turned the other way. I heard him chuckle under his breath.

On my front straight to the desk it was the same guy with pink highlights. He was talking to a guy who looks handsome?

Soon jungkook and namjoon arrived and everyone settled down.

"Okay lets start. Firstly I would like to introduce to you all our brand new member, Sung Naina."

Everyone looked towards me and Namjoon signalled me to give them a little introduction.

I stood up.

"Hello everyone I'm Sung Naina, I joined bangtan last week and i'm looking forward to taking on tasks with everyone.." I said pretty awkwardly and sat down again.

"Well done!" hoseok smiled.

"You did great!" Taehyung said from my right.

"Thanks!" I whispered.

"Erm.. So let me tell you our new task." Namjoon said.

"Kwangmin requested that we take care of something for him."

"Who's kwangmin?" I asked hoseok.

"He's a good friend of namjoon and seokjin."He replied pointing at seokjin

Ahh so that handsome guy is Seokjin..

"And who's that guy with pink highlights?" I asked hoseok.

"Ow.. He's Yoongi, Namjoon's left hand. He cares a lot for bangtan."

He looks beautiful..

He looks beautiful

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